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Греат Воодсман Зиплине Цанопи Тоур Брансон

Добитник награде УСА Тодаи'с Бест Аериал Адвентуре Парк у 2019! Потпуно нови Схепхерд'с Адвентуре Парк има невероватан обилазак зип-лајн балдахином! Проћи ћете кроз прелепу земљу Схепхерд оф тхе Хиллс и доживети природне лепоте Озаркса на имању које је све почело. За људе који само желе да испробају зип-лајн по први пут имамо прелепу туру која не захтева скоро никакво пешачење или пењање по степеницама, што га чини пријатним и за старије и за децу, без жртвовања било чега на страни узбуђења. Можете или да кренете у наш краћи обилазак од 4 кабла или да закопчате свих осам прогресивно проширите на веће и дуже каблове и на крају ћете спојити скоро 6000 стопа кабла. <бр><бр>Позадина нашег Зиплине-а је прелепа Хеннинг Цонсерватион Ареа од 1500 јутара. Обиласци трају само 30 минута или чак 2 сата у зависности од величине групе. Максимално 12 људи по групној тури. <бр>
Цити: Брансон
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $96.60
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $96.60
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Коментара (189)
Jul 2019
This place is such a gem. Just a ton of activities for ALL ages. They have a play ground built into the natural landscape that my little, little ones loves. Play ground has a goat petting zoo right next to it too! A group of 12 of us did the Full 8 Zip Line tour - so fantastic. The ages in our group ranged from 65 to 8. Everyone had a blast!! Huge props to both Corrie and Kelby for being great guides. I was so touched by their compassion and professionalism during the whole tour but especially with how they treated my son, the youngest on the tour, who is on the Autism Spectrum. When I explained our goal for him, not only were they completely on board, they were not the slightest bit phased by the information. They pulled him right into the mix and he had the MOST amazing time. I am thankful they were there to make his first time a great one. The adults in our group loved the ATV tour. I am sorry I do remember the guide’s name on that one because he was really great too! Always checking in with the group, keeping us together, just the sweetest guy! The teenagers loved the Vigilante Extreme Zip Line. ....like I said, literally stuff to do for any age there.... the views from the tower were awesome and the ride down was even better! We didn’t stay for the evening show and we also noticed they have horses trail riding too AND a pretty spectacular ropes course.... I’m sure there is even more that I missed. Shepherd of the Hills is a great outdoor activities spot on your Branson vacation.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Wow! Blown away by this incredibly wonderful review and the time you took to put so much down in writing. Thank you very much and thank you for making Shepherd a part of your vacation and family memories.
Jul 2019
I had so much fun with my husband and brother on the 8 line tour. It was fun, gorgeous, safe, an awesome experience all around. We were all 1st timers and would love to do it again! Our guides were fun, professional and laid back. They set the tone for a wonderful experience!!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thank you very much for the wonderful review CoachKristin. I’ll be sure to pass that along to Corrie and Andrew. Feel free to come back and zip line again anytime.
Jul 2019
Andrew and Cori are experienced guides who know how to explain everything for first time zippers and make it interesting for those who have zipped before. The zip lines start out easy, a great way to get used to the harness and break system. The views were very pretty!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thank you very much for the wonderful review and thanks again for spending your day with us. I will be sure to pass the compliments on to Andrew and Corrie!

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