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Пешачење са водичем кроз кањон слота Пеек-а-Боо (мала група)

Пеек-А-Боо Слот Цанион је тихо, посебно место изван утабане стазе, недалеко од прелепог Канаба. Тихи спокој прелепих обојених стена Навахо пешчара којима су били потребни милиони година да се формирају одузеће вам дах и оставити да желите још. <бр><бр>Ово је групна турнеја, али ниједна комбинација група неће премашити 10 путника како бисмо могли да очувамо приступачно и интимно искуство.
Цити: Национални парк Зион
Sat 26 Oct
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Са почетком у $69.50
Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $69.50
Шта је укључено
Наши возачи познају ту област и одлични возачи ван пута. Обезбеђујемо воду и грицкалице на свим турама.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Пеек-А-Боо Слот Цанион
На овој групној турнеји (не више од 10 људи да би била приступачна и интимна) истражићете лепоту и чудо кањона Пеек а Боо Слот у Канабу, Јута. То је лако пешачење од 1,5 миље (2,4К) повратно кроз спектакуларни кањон који се налази око 10 миља северно од Канаба. Ово морате видети док сте у области Канаб.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (327)
Jun 2019
We met with our friends from Germany in Kanab to head to Lake Powell. We wanted to visit a slot canyon because of all the great pictures we saw online. But prices, traffic and availability of the Antelope Canyons scared out away a bit. In Kanab we saw the flyer for Red Canyon aka Peek a Boo slot canyon. The problem: It’s a 4 mile drive on a very sandy road which you can’t make with a normal vehicle. Or an 8 mile out and back hike through the sand with our 5 year old kids. That was not an option. Recommended by our host we called Jeff from Coral Cliffs Tour at 9am. He was super nice and spontaneous organized a 1pm tour for us 6. On the way to the canyon we were so glad we didn’t try it with our vehicle or to hike it. Jeff took all the time and walked with us through the slot canyon, showed us great spots to take pictures and often was our photographer. He was super patient as we had to stop here and there to let our kids play in the sand or with the rocks. The slot canyon is amazing and we were so glad we made this spontaneous tour. Jeff, thank you so much being our guide and going the extra mile and giving us an extra stop at the hidden lake. The half day was an amazing experience which we will all remember.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Your two families are so wonderful! It was a lot of fun to spend the afternoon with you all. I’m so glad you enjoyed Peekaboo! We hope to see you again soon down here in this amazing area! Very best wishes!
May 2019
Julie took us on a wonderful adventure! She was informative and patient with my group! My mother has some challenges with her knee and she helped throughout the trip. We now have some amazing pictures and great memories! Thanks Julie!
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Your mother did such a great job! It was fun to spend some time with you! I’m so glad you enjoyed the tour. Thank you so much for a kind review!
May 2019
Julie and her son Derrick took us on a tour of Peekaboo Slot Canyon and the White Wave. We had time to also visit Hidden Lake and some petroglyphs near Angel Canyon. I honestly cannot write a review that expresses how much I loved our time with Julie and Derrick. This was my 3rd time to Southern Utah so obviously I love this part of the country. I was traveling with a friend who had never been to Utah and thought a private tour would be really nice after spending time at Bryce and Zion. Little did I know how much I was going to love this tour and it was ALL because of Julie and Derrick. They have so much knowledge, passion, and skill for all things Kanab. Simply put, they are the most lovely people I have met in a long time. The Jeep ride was an adventure alone - it was a real eye opener to learn how difficult it is to navigate the deep sand. Man am I glad to have spent this time with them for this alone!! Our time together was educational, active, fun, and spiritual. Derrick has the most beautiful voice and he sang for us at hidden lake and it brought tears to my eyes. When we weren’t looking at the sights and learning some history, we were checking out all the beautiful flowers or laughing at one thing or another. It was such an amazing experience. Book your tour with Coral Cliffs Tours of Kanab. You will have so much fun!!
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Robin, Derek and Julie has so many great things to say about you two. We love that good people share a little bit of their story and their vacation with us! You two made this such a great tour! Thank you for posting some great pics! Very best wishes to both of you!

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