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Пешачење са водичем кроз кањон слота Пеек-а-Боо (мала група)

Пеек-А-Боо Слот Цанион је тихо, посебно место изван утабане стазе, недалеко од прелепог Канаба. Тихи спокој прелепих обојених стена Навахо пешчара којима су били потребни милиони година да се формирају одузеће вам дах и оставити да желите још. <бр><бр>Ово је групна турнеја, али ниједна комбинација група неће премашити 10 путника како бисмо могли да очувамо приступачно и интимно искуство.
Цити: Национални парк Зион
Tue 29 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $69.50
Tue 29 Oct
Са почетком у $69.50
Шта је укључено
Наши возачи познају ту област и одлични возачи ван пута. Обезбеђујемо воду и грицкалице на свим турама.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Пеек-А-Боо Слот Цанион
На овој групној турнеји (не више од 10 људи да би била приступачна и интимна) истражићете лепоту и чудо кањона Пеек а Боо Слот у Канабу, Јута. То је лако пешачење од 1,5 миље (2,4К) повратно кроз спектакуларни кањон који се налази око 10 миља северно од Канаба. Ово морате видети док сте у области Канаб.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (327)
Aug 2021
Had a great morning with our guide Coyote. Great conversation and was very knowledgeable about the area! Highly recommend this tour of the slot Canyon and the secret spots. 3 hours flies by in this beautiful canyon.
Aug 2021
Had a truly wonderful time with our tour guides Kenny and Hunter. They went above and beyond to make our trip fun and memorable. Kenny grew up in this area and knows every cave and river in these canyons. Both were patient in showing us around and honestly felt like they were having as much fun as we were. You can tell they really love the slot canyon and enjoy showing it to visitors. Book a tour with this company - you will not regret it!
Aug 2021
My wife and I visited in late May 2021 and did a "Pick Two" tour, Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon (the smaller one near Kanab, not the one near Escalante) and The Great Chamber. We had read great reviews of this company and the pricing, and more importantly, the flexibility that allowed us to create our own tour with many choice locations. Communications with the office was great. On the day of our tour, Hunter our guide picked us up at our hotel, he was young, still in college, but we soon learned that he was great, one of our favorite guides of all time. Professional, yet fun and knowledgeable. The Jeep he picked us up in was spotless, nearly brand new, the AC worked great and a better option in my opinion than the various ATV / open air vehicles some offered as the "roads" to these locations were deep sand and or dirt and we would have eaten a lot of it otherwise. This version of Peek-a-boo was easy, I am not the fittest, my wife is, and I would not have been able to do the one near Escalante as it is very physical and has 12" openings in places... I am in shape, round is shape, but this one was easy and beautiful. We then went to The Great Chamber, there you must hike up the side of mountain, I was huffing and puffing, but was able to do it... Hunter took my camera bag and also brought water bottles along for us. I highly recommend these locations, Coral Cliff's and Hunter... our only regret was not getting a picture with Hunter.

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