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Цити: Арканзас
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $74.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $74.00
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Обилазак бродом са водичем
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Бела река
Дођите и уживајте у обиласку реке са водичем на прелепој Белој реци која полази из марине Вар Еагле у Спрингдејлу, АР. Наше туре су удобне, забавне и поучне. Погледаћете знаменитости које можете видети само са прелепе Беле реке на нашим посебно дизајнираним туристичким пловилима. Наши специјално дизајнирани чамци са равним дном омогућавају дубљи приступ прелепим увалама дуж реке. Овде ћете имати прилику да видите више дивљих животиња међу стеновитим обалама и његовим дрворедима. Гарантујемо да ће ваше искуство учинити више авантуром него вожњом чамцем. Страствени смо у томе да нашим гостима пружимо јединствено и аутентично искуство у северозападном Арканзасу. Наши водичи су најбољи! Посвећени су подели своје љубави према овом невероватном еко систему, као и историји дуж Беле реке. Дођите да истражите и обожавате НВА са Беионд тхе Озаркс.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (27)
Aug 2022
Captain Al went out of his way to accommodate my mother and I, squeezing us in his schedule due to us being from San Antonio, Texas, and not being able to schedule on a different day. He is so enthusiastic about the area and the wildlife and was so very personable and genuine. I love nature and wildlife and he was full of facts about both. It felt great to be on the water, as it was really hot and humid the week we were in the area. His boat is awesome and it's so impressive that he built it himself!! Great southern hospitality the entire time on board. I've lived all over, including overseas, and the Ozarks are truly beautiful. Pass the word to friends and family! Highly recommend!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Mary. You and your mother are beautiful people. When I received your email and knowing you guys were in Eureka Springs there was no way I wasn't going to fit you in. I am so glad we made it happen and still cant believe she is 84! From the moment we met she locked on to my arm as we walked from the parking lot to the boat. What a glorious honor that was for me. Our tour was wonderful mainly getting to know about you and your family history including your living experiences. Your talks of your son were special to me as well and the reason you are in the area. Besides seeing the beauties of the White River here in Northwest Arkansas together the plus for me was our conversations that are bedded in my heart. You are a special person that is doing special things for your family. I feed on peoples love for nature but I also feed on who they are as humans when we have such in depth talks about life while on tour. Your caring strength stands out to me as your best attribute. You are a very strong woman. What better place to share than in nature. As an almost four decade captain that has carried tens of thousands of clients on my vessels you and your mother are logged in the captains book for eternity. Thank you for your review and wish you all the best in life because you deserve all the best in life. Captain Al
Jean C
Aug 2022
Wow! Fun 2 hours on a hot August day. Despite it not being the ideal season for wildlife we saw many birds (great blue heron, kingfisher) and Captain Al managed to find a doe and faun. Terrific tour guide and very knowledgeable about the area, wildlife, and boating. We were a group of four plus two others. Comfy boat with plenty of shade.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Hey Jean! You Rock!!! You Mrs Louise, Mr. Michael, Mr.Tim, Mr. Dave and Mrs. Julie were an incredible bunch to spend some time on the water with! My goal is to always discover wildlife with my crew and so happy we did! Constant days on the river allows for discoveries with my peeps by learning where wildlife move seasonally. The White River always provides nature. Simple things like Mrs Louise's intriguing passion for the abundant rock formations flatters me and inspire me. The ability to give details about other things like Flora adds to my goals of giving you guys a interesting tour. Some days are better than others when it comes to Fauna but it is the people such as yourselves that really make me love my job. Creme de la creme is how I would describe your group. It is the highest compliment a Bayou Boy can give to anyone. That is what you folks are to me. Your review as all others are very special to me and my family and I thank you deeply for your time to post. Thank you!
Jul 2022
Capt. Al was a fantastic tour and knowledgeable guide. Between pointing out the beautiful birds and plants of the White River and his wonderful personality, it was a beautiful experience. The day was wonderful, having family visiting from Long Island, and enjoying the beauty of Arkansas' natural wonders, I highly recommend this tour. Whether you have visitors, or if you are a native of Arkansas.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Dear Cynthia You and your crew were absolutely a pleasure to take on tour. It is people like you that make me love my job everyday. Exploring nature with our guest such as your crew is what it is all about! Northwest Arkansas has so much to offer via the White River and your knowledge did not go unnoticed either. Your photography was simply superb and I stand by the true statement that your pic of the Swallows in flight entering their nest on that rock face was the best yet! From that to Andrews keen eye on spotting that dear in the hill side paired with your beautiful group was just a great tour! Cant ask for anyone better to share a tour on the river with. Thank you so much for the review and kind words! Your awesome!

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