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Обилазак Гипси Голд Хорсе Фарм

Гипси Голд је дом првих америчких коња Гипси Ваннер и најпопуларније фарме на Флориди. Сазнајте више о живописној британској циганској култури и упознајте десетине њихових магичних циганских коња ванер. Прича о Гипси Голду и Гипси Ваннер коњима је једна од најфасцинантнијих и најромантичнијих прича у аналима историје коња.
Цити: Орландо
Thu 06 Feb
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Са почетком у $45.00
Thu 06 Feb
Са почетком у $45.00
Шта је укључено
Прилика за фотографисање са једним од наших Гипси Ваннер коња
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са слабим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Деца до 5 година бесплатно
Шта да очекујете
Фарма циганског злата
наших првих четрдесет пет минута је образовно путовање које води Денис Томпсон, откривач и оснивач расе коња Гипси Ваннер. Денис и Ерин ће вас затим упознати са Гипси Ваннер пастувом и објаснити замишљени изглед и детаље јединствене за расу Ваннер. Ваш други сат је шетња међу коњима испуњеним паддоцима обложеним древним храстовима натовареним романтичном шпанском маховином на југу. У шетњи ћете срести прелепе пастуве и кобиле и љубазне бебе Гипси Ваннер Хорсе. Ваш обилазак фарме Гипси Голд завршава се сликом са невероватним пастувом Гипси Ваннер Хорсе и посетом продавници поклона Гипси Голд.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (269)
Dec 2022
The Gypsy Gold story was very interesting and compelling and my husband and I found our host/narrator to be an excellent storyteller!!! It was very well done!… It was a most enjoyable and enlightening experience!… We will definitely recommend it as a great place to visit!👍🏼 Also, the young lady that conducted the tour of the horses was very knowledgeable and delightful! It was obvious that she is very dedicated to her work, and that she enjoys it very much! However, I would like to make the following suggestions: Restrooms/(there’s only one for everybody)… Refreshments/Concession with a pleasant comfortable area for sitting and eating.(inside or outside)
Dec 2022
Gypsy Gold is located off the beaten path about twenty miles south of Ocala on forty acres of pastureland shaded by a massive oak canopy. Gypsy Gold Horse Farm is America's foundation farm for the Gypsy Vanner Horse breed. Farm owner Dennis Thompson was the first person to discover the unknown breed during a trip to England in the 1990s. Our personal tour guide, Taylor, was an absolute delight and a treasure trove of knowledge. We learned that gypsies in Europe actually bred their own line of horses to come up with a small horse that was extremely strong, for toting all the worldly possessions of roving Gypsy tribes. We toured the entire forty acres. First stop was the foal pen. One cute 3-month old male was sold as an embryo for a mere $5,000. After they're born, Gypsy Vanners sell from $15,000-$50,000. They are show horses - not racers. The farm has produced gorgeous champions and has a cemetery on site for all of its equine residents who've passed on, including Cushti Bok which means "good luck" in the Romany language of the European Gypsies. Cushti Bok was the world's first-ever selectively bred horse to be raised by Gypsies and eventually recognized as a new breed. His genetics were traced back to three countries, including The Old Horse Of Wales. Prior to discovering the Gypsy Vanner breed and transforming his property into a show-horse farm, Dennis Thompson owned more than 700 animals, including a giraffe and zebra. He fostered injured critters and nursed them back to health, and usually kept them after they recovered. When he established Gypsy Gold Farm, Dennis found good homes for all the animals, except for half a dozen macaws and parrots, which he kept. Fred is a showoff and has a deafening screech if you don't give him enough attention. After our tour, we visited the gift shop. All manner of riding gear is available for purchase. You can even buy an almost-life-size model of a Gypsy Vanner horse. Gypsy Gold Farms created its own saddle brand with the Bar J Saddlery Signature Series. You can own one for $1800. Beautiful Gypsy dolls were on display too, as was a gorgeous gypsy carriage wagon pulled by a gypsy horse. The morning guided tour is $45 per person for a 2-hour tour. Seniors pay $40 and children under age 7 are free. The afternoon walking tour is self-guided for $25. Be sure to make an appointment in advance for your tour because, if you just show up unannounced, there's no way to contact anyone if the staff is out working on the property. This experience was well worth the 2-hour drive. We asked unending questions and Taylor patiently answered them all. Bring some apples to feed the horses and they will love you.
Dec 2022
What a fabulous tour! Educational and hands on. Owners are great and tell you history of this breed. Fascinating! Then you get to meet these sweet horses. Very gentle and just beautiful!
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