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Халеакала јутарња најбоља бициклистичка тура са водичем са Бике Мауи

Након узбудљивог и информативног обиласка Националног парка Халеакала, гости ће започети своју вођену бициклистичку туру на 6.500 стопа надморске висине. Крстарите низ планину на врхунским Кона бициклима до града Макавао у Упцоунтри-у. Наши водичи су НАИ сертификовани и опсежно обучени <бр>Састанак на 810 Хаику Рд, Хаику, ХИ 96708<бр><бр>ШТА ЈЕ УКЉУЧЕНО<бр>• НАИ сертификовани водичи<бр>• Улаз у национални парк Халеакала<бр>• КОНА Брдски бицикли<бр>• ДАКИНЕ ранчеви<бр>• Хелли Хансен кишна опрема<бр>• Белл шлемови<бр><бр>ШТА ДА ПОНЕШЕ<бр>• Ципеле са затвореним прстима<бр>• Вишеслојна одећа<бр>• Дукс или јакна<бр>• Плетена капа или шешир<бр>• Сунчане наочаре <бр>• Крема за сунчање<бр>• Телефон/камера<бр>• Мале грицкалице<бр>• Вода<бр><бр>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА<бр>СВИ БИКЕ ЈАХАЧИ МОРАЈУ:<бр>• Разумети и признати ризике који су укључени <бр>• Имати 12 година или више<бр>• Имати недавно искуство у вожњи бицикла<бр>• Бити виши од 4'10”<бр>• Будите физички способан да издржи ову активност на отвореном<бр>• Не узимајте никакве лекове који могу да изазову поспаност<бр>• Немојте бити трудни<бр>• Немојте имати више од 270 лбс.<бр>• Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима<бр>
Цити: Мауи
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $235.33
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална висина за бициклисте је 4'10"<ли>Минимална старост за бициклисте је 12 година година<ли>Потребно је недавно искуство у вожњи бициклом<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирано између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирана<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (34)
Nov 2021
I was glad that we did the morning trip rather than the sunrise trip. It was nice not to have to get up and get to Haiku so early, and we still had beautiful views of Haleakala. This is a two part tour. The first part is a bus tour up Haleakala where you get to walk around the crater and take photos. The second part is the bike trip down Haleakala. We considered some tours that just did the second part, but I was really glad we did the first part because it was cool to see the crater. We took some really great photos. Our guides for the both parts were very good. The bike ride down was very easy, because the van rode behind us and protected us from traffic (we pulled off to the side every now and then to let cars go by). Our guide went really slowly. My husband would have preferred the self-guided tour so he could go a little faster and stop whenever he wanted. This tour didn't provide any snacks or drinks so make sure you pack your own. We didn't have lunch until about 1:00pm when we were almost all the way down to Haiku. I wish I would have realized that we weren't going to eat until later, so I could have brought more snacks. Overall it was a great experience though.
Nov 2021
Had a great time on the tour that takes you up to the summit of Haleakala mid-morning and then allows you to bike down the volcano. Breathtaking! The staff were friendly and knowledgeable, they took safety very seriously, they provide all the gear you need, and everything was well organized. We also really appreciated the option to have them pick us up and drop us back at the hotel. We would definitely repeat this tour and recommend it to others! Mahalo.
Sep 2021
After having read a wide spectrum of reviews, my husband and I (in our mid 30s) decided to complete this Morning Bike Ride Group Guided Tour with Bike Maui, and we are so glad we did! It was our favorite thing to do in Maui, but we didn't have any least favorites... after all, it is Maui! A few disclaimers: My husband and I began biking once a week about 1 month prior to this trip purposefully to prepare, 5 -10 miles in our neighborhood park, and I have had road bike experience over the last 10 years and have completed day-long or 2 day bike rides; so being comfortable on the bike, understanding how to change gears, and braking, and the general knowledge of road safety is a necessity. If you haven't been on a bike in years (like one guy in my group said he hadn't been on one in 20 years), I would NOT recommend this ride, no matter how beautiful the views are, because inexperience increases your risk SIGNIFICANTLY. The bus tour up the Volcano to Haleakala National Park and the crater was very well guided; Dan was our driver/guide. He took our group of about 10 people to great photo sites, and was very friendly, upbeat, and funny. He was very knowledgable and shared great stories about the area. The bike ride: I forgot our guide's name, but he was really great! He lead and paced the front and there was a van blocking traffic in the back who would radio the leader when they needed to have us pull aside and let cars pass. This is the main reason I would never do a "self-guided" bike ride, since you have no control of the traffic. I am glad we did the guided group ride. They go over the bike rules and safety on the van ride up and also prior to getting on the bikes. They do a really great job. But YOU are the rider and you need to pay attention the entire ride. I rode the brakes practically 95% of the ride, and it was still so fun. Keep your distance behind the next cycler. As for the tips comments; I always come on vacation prepared to tip those that work in the service industry and provide a great service; especially this being a hard year for the tourism industry; the tour is a service; and our guides earn much of their income on tips. If you have a problem with tipping; then don't tip as much. It's not required. If I ever make it back to Maui, this is a must-do activity again!

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