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Риба као никада раније! Наш прилагођени 64-инчни катамаран је савршен за стабилнију, опуштајућу вожњу. Пецаћете широк избор тропских риба које се налазе овде у Флорида Киз! Можете пецати цело време или седети у кухињи да бисте уживали у ужини и пићу. Искуство за породицу које ће сигурно сви волети!<бр>
Цити: Кеи Вест
Sun 28 Jul
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Са почетком у $60.00
Sun 28 Jul
Са почетком у $60.00
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Коментара (50)
Valerie M
Dec 2022
First time fishing…couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The captain and crew were so kind and helpful. Was a beautiful day and the ride out to the fishing spot was smooth (I was so worried about getting 🤢- but that did not happen). The half day fishing charter was probably the best activity we did during our visit to the keys- I even caught a cobia…thanks!
Dec 2022
We booked the afternoon trip and paid extra for stern seats, upon reading reviews here on TripAdvisor prior to our trip. The trip out to the fishing spot was relaxing and lovely - you could purchase beverages and snacks from a little canteen in the interior of the boat if you wanted to (it is a beautiful and clean boat btw). The crew were all very nice and fun. We had a small group of people, so once we reached our destination, everyone headed to the stern area - it felt a little cramped and we tangled lines several times, but everyone caught fish to take home. Once we returned back after watching a gorgeous sunset, our yellowtail was filleted for us and given to us in a ziplock bag. You can take it to any of the area restaurants and they will cook it up for you how you like (we went to White Tarpon and it was phenomenal)
Dec 2022
The crew were very helpful and friendly, they came around to check on us periodically, instructions were very thorough, drinks and snacks onboard, overall we had a great time

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