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Полудневни излет кајаком и водопадом у Кауаију са ручком

Раинбов Каиак Тоурс већ 20 година пружа обиласке реком Ваилуа са водичем. Наши искусни водичи добро познају флору и фауну овог подручја, као и историју овог невероватног места.
Цити: Кауаи
Sat 11 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $130.37
Sat 11 Jan
Са почетком у $130.37
Шта је укључено
Свеж ручно рађени сендвич од ћуретине, воће и вода укључени. Да бисте затражили опције без глутена или вегетаријанце, контактирајте нашу канцеларију најмање 48 сати пре датума вашег обиласка.
Тандем кајаци, весла, наслони за леђа, суве торбе
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници би требало да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Недавне операције или лоша колена/колена/кукови.
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк Ваилуа Ривер
Веслајте величанственом реком Ваилуа 2 миље у оба смера (укупно 4 миље повратно), првобитном дому првих Хавајаца, који су веслали 1500 миља од Маркизских острва до Кауа`ија пре скоро 1500 година. Слушајте легенде и сазнајте више о флори и фауни најсветијег подручја Кауаија.
Тајни водопади (Улувехи водопади)
Након пешачења 1 1/4 миље кроз кишну шуму, наши водичи ће одвести клијенте до Тајних водопада познатих и као водопад Улувехи. Овај прелепи водопад пада 110 стопа у освежавајућу рупу за купање, где могу да се купају и уживају у сјајном ручку! Затим ћете пешачити 1 1/4 миље назад до свог кајака (2 1/2 миље пешачког повратног путовања) Донесите ципеле са затвореним прстима /ципеле Рееф /сандале у стилу Теева
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (375)
Dec 2019
Our guide Austin was excellent and very nice. Waited to be sure each person got where they needed to be. Kayaking was great on the river. The hike however is treacherous through mud, at some point up to your knees, and if you are not in good physical shape or older with balance issues, you should not do this hike. Heed the warnings they post that it is not recommended for those with back,ankle,or hip problems. Most of our party slipped and some fell along the trail. A man in another group fell 20 feet off the mud soaked trail into the river with significant head and facial injuries and his guide left him because he was helping another “older lady”. Our guide stepped in to assist but if you’re injured on the trail there is no way to easily get you out. I am early 60s and work out 4 days a week and the hike was difficult because of lots of mud, often knee deep. If my 20 year old children had not been able to assist me through those areas I certainly would have fallen several times. It is very slippery. Do this tour when it’s dry, the trail would be easy then. Would not do this if trail is muddy
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
We are sorry to inform you that you may have left your comment for the wrong company. But we are happy to hear that your guide Austin was very attentive to his guest and others as well. With all this rain the Island of Kaua'i has been getting has been saturating the trail and changing it's terrain almost every day. We hope you have a wonderful day and hopefully you can find the correct company to share your experience with, as I'm sure they would love to hear your feed back.
Dec 2019
Our guide was Zack and he was amazing. His instructions were very clear and easy to follow. He was extremely patient and kind with those who were a little older and/or less experienced. He was super knowledgeable, and his jokes had us cracking up the entire way. Cant wait to book with him again.
Dec 2019
I loved this tour. Our guide was awesome and I am so mad I can't remember her name. She was young, light brown hair and had an accent from one of the middle eastern companies. She definitely deserves praise for the job she did we loved her. We went this past May for our honeymoon trip and we picked this tour to be able to get some kayaking in and see an awesome waterfall. I loved how much our guide loved the island, how much she knew about the different plants we were passing. She was sweet and knowledgeable and let everyone on the tour go at their own pace. We did the earliest tour and that was awesome because we literally got there before all the other tours, so I loved that and definitely recommend the early tour with this company over other times and companies just because of that. I got some amazing pictures of the falls without all sorts of other people in them. Overall fantastic experience.

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