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Полудневни излет кајаком и водопадом у Кауаију са ручком

Раинбов Каиак Тоурс већ 20 година пружа обиласке реком Ваилуа са водичем. Наши искусни водичи добро познају флору и фауну овог подручја, као и историју овог невероватног места.
Цити: Кауаи
Sat 11 Jan
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Са почетком у $130.37
Sat 11 Jan
Са почетком у $130.37
Шта је укључено
Свеж ручно рађени сендвич од ћуретине, воће и вода укључени. Да бисте затражили опције без глутена или вегетаријанце, контактирајте нашу канцеларију најмање 48 сати пре датума вашег обиласка.
Тандем кајаци, весла, наслони за леђа, суве торбе
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници би требало да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Недавне операције или лоша колена/колена/кукови.
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк Ваилуа Ривер
Веслајте величанственом реком Ваилуа 2 миље у оба смера (укупно 4 миље повратно), првобитном дому првих Хавајаца, који су веслали 1500 миља од Маркизских острва до Кауа`ија пре скоро 1500 година. Слушајте легенде и сазнајте више о флори и фауни најсветијег подручја Кауаија.
Тајни водопади (Улувехи водопади)
Након пешачења 1 1/4 миље кроз кишну шуму, наши водичи ће одвести клијенте до Тајних водопада познатих и као водопад Улувехи. Овај прелепи водопад пада 110 стопа у освежавајућу рупу за купање, где могу да се купају и уживају у сјајном ручку! Затим ћете пешачити 1 1/4 миље назад до свог кајака (2 1/2 миље пешачког повратног путовања) Донесите ципеле са затвореним прстима /ципеле Рееф /сандале у стилу Теева
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (375)
Sep 2019
Mostly, I enjoyed this trip but wasn't prepared for a few things not mentioned before we set out. Kayak trip: I was alone on my adventure so was given a single-occupant kayak to paddle 2.5 miles up-river which wouldn't have been hard provided there hadn't been flash floods a couple of days before which made strong currents in the river causing my little kayak to head straight for the mangrove vines lining the banks. Our guide didn't offer any advice on how to avoid this and it happened to me 3 times causing me to be left way behind the rest of our group, all being in 2-man kayaks with 2 people each powering their boats. Several times I was out of sight of the guide as well as the rest of the group I was with. Luckily, it turned out okay but had the potential to be disastrous since I am far from being a good swimmer (yes, I wore a PFD). The hike to the falls: EXTREMELY muddy and treacherous through most of it. We weren't warned of the river crossing of about 50-75 feet through rapids beforehand. The water was up to about mid-thigh and I'm 5'11". I was wearing good Tevas with a excellent tread, thank goodness. The hike was approximately a mile long through a beautiful rain forest to an idyllic waterfall where our guide made us a lovely lunch. After lunch, we retraced our muddy steps, complete with river crossing back to our kayaks after a swim in the pool underneath the waterfall. The kayak trip back down the river was much easier since we were going with the flow but because I was paddling alone, I was way behind the others again. I would recommend this excursion if you're fit and have good footwear. But definitely be prepared for treacherous conditions! And ask to be put in a boat with another person if you're alone.
Sep 2019
This was a fantastic outing. Our guide Anya was wonderful. After explaining the basics, row techniques, H2O proof backpacks etc, we were off. The Kayaking was fun and relaxing with beautiful scenery. Anya treated us to edible flowers and shared her knowledge of plants and birds/animals. The Hike to the falls was pleasant and the waterfall very cool. The water was refreshing and after the exertion the lunch was perfect. We would definitely go again. Thank you Anya!
Sep 2019
Kayaking up the river definitely made us sweat! But my wife sets a mean pace so…The hike is definitely slippery. You will need the walking stick. Cooling off in the water were refreshing and standing still for the waterfall "massage" was really fun. But the star of the tour was our tour guide, Zach's instructions on tandem kayaking were so helpful that wife actually still liked each other at the end! His demeanor was both warm and calm. He was definitely watching over everyone in our group while still giving each of us the freedom to go at our own pace. His "Dad" jokes were funny and he made sure that we "stopped and smelled the ginger". Now for the best part…As we were sitting in our kayak waiting for the rest of the group to get into the water, my wife's iPhone slipped out of her pocket, onto the edge of the kayak, and down into the Wailua's murky water. After getting everybody into their kayaks and onto the water, Zach dove in twice to try to find it. I stopped him from trying again. We went on with the kayaking & hiking, got back to the dock, loaded the kayaks onto the trailer, drove back to the shop, and dropped everyone off. Zach said that he had a friend who had the necessary gear to find the phone. So we followed him back to the river parking lot. Kai's truck was there but he was nowhere to be found. So Zach jumped in the water (about 4' deep and another foot of silt at the bottom), waded over to the the general area where she lost it (there is no visibility in the water), dove in, and less than 15 seconds later…CAME UP WITH MY WIFE'S PHONE IN HIS HAND!!! He climbed out, handed it to my wife. We didn't have much hope as the phone had been in the water for over 6 hours. She swiped up AND THE PHONE STILL WORKED!!! No, it didn't have a waterproof case. It didn't have a case at all! Absolutely amazing! Anyway, a fun trip with a GREAT ending!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Thank you for choosing to come out with us at Kayak Adventures, and taking some time out of your busy schedule to leave us a story with a happy ending! We are happy to hear that not only did you enjoy the tour and time with Zach, but that he also went and help find your Iphone. We hope that you rejoin us again, if Kaua'i is in your future travel plans. Have an amazing day! Mahalo, Sheila Fernandez

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