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Полудневно приватно вожња чамцем на Тахое Фунсхип! - Цлеарватер Беацх

А Боат Даи нуди приватне, прилагођене чартере чамаца за мале групе до 8 путника. Завалите се и опустите се на веома удобном двоспратном Тахое Фунсхип-у од 25 стопа са тобоганом док крстарите воденим путевима са капетаном као водичем. Ваша авантура чамцем ће вас приближити дивљим делфинима и одвести вас до осамљених баријерних острва како бисте могли да гранатирате нетакнуте плаже или пливате у Мексичком заливу. Наше приватне туре бродом савршене су за породичне излете, рођендане, годишњице, матуре, момачке вечери, понуде за брак, романтичне излете, окупљања, ширење пепела или било који други разлог!
Цити: Бистра вода
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $850.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $850.00
Шта је укључено
Хладњак са ледом и флашираном водом
Преузимање и одлазак на одређено место састанка
Стручни водич
Скакање на острво и сидрење на пешчаним спрудовима
Гледање делфина
Приватна, прилагођена тура бродом
Гранатирање и пливање
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Највише 8 људи по резервацији<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују <ли>Наши капитени ће се уздржати од руковања и одржаваће дистанцу колико год је то могуће. Чамац се редовно чисти.
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк острва Каладеси
Једно од ретких нетакнутих острва дуж обале Мексичког залива, државни парк острва Каладеси доступан је само чамцем, али вреди додатног труда.
Државни парк острва Медени месец
Један од најомиљенијих државних паркова на Флориди, Острво Медени месец има више од четири миље плаже за истраживање заједно са стазом од три миље кроз једну од последњих преосталих нетакнутих борових шума.
Цлеарватер Беацх
Опуштена плажа Клирвотер позната је по истоименом делу меког, белог песка, који привлачи посетиоце током целе године на скијање на џет-скију, парасаилинг и станд-уп веслање у својим мирним водама.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (297)
Jul 2022
Our boat trip was one of the things we were most looking forward to on our vacation. Unfortunately our captain Matt made it apparent that he was trying to cut our 8 hour trip short from early on. First, he let us know that we could return sooner and get a refund if we decided only to do 4 or 6 hours. When we said we were enjoying our trip and didn’t intend to cut it short he then turned to the weather as an excuse. Yes, there were some darker skies far out but where we were there was maybe a few sprinkles. There were plenty of other boats heading out into the water so we didn’t feel like it was a big threat. When we mentioned that maybe we could just do lunch and see what happens, his response was oh no this isn’t going to be just a quick come and go storm it’s going to be hanging over at least 2 hours. Matt continued to focus on his phone (weather app?) while driving the boat and kept pushing us to cut the trip. We finally decided to just head back to the dock and get a refund for the remaining hours at his insistence. He drove the boat back to the dock as fast as he could not slowing down for us to enjoy anything and at that time the weather wasn’t doing anything and didn’t appear rain was near. So our 8 hour trip turned into 3. And wouldn’t you know it never did storm the entire day. Thanks for ruining our experience Matt.
Jul 2022
It was a very memorable boat trip as our Captain, Frank was very entertaining and informative. Our day initially began with the original boat was unavailable, but Frank got us a larger and nicer boat for our tour. Unfortunately it had already began to rain before we even left the port. This continued onto our first stop. We made the best of the tolerable weather by walking around the beach of Three Rook Island until the skies opened up and the thunder rolled. Frank contacted the office and decided it was safest to head back to the port as the squal was producing a torrential downpour and concerning lightning. Nevertheless it was memorable thanks to our captain who attracted the dolphins with the boat inviting them to swim and jump out of the water next to the boat. We even saw 2 Eagle Rays at the beach. We hope to be back as a group the next time around and will definitely do this again in hopes for nicer weather so we can get the full tour next time around!
Jul 2022
We had a great time on our 4 hour trip on the Tahoe fun ship. We went with our two teenagers. Frank was our captain and he was great. We saw celebrity homes, marine life and learned about the history of the local landscape. Would definitely do this again!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
We love hearing that you had a wonderful time on our Tahoe Funship! It sounds like Captain Frank was able to show you some awesome things during your trip. We hope you will join us on another trip soon!

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