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Цити: Маине
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $55.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $55.00
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Коментара (2)
Jul 2021
Bill Baker's OQOA is a tough act to follow, and I appreciate Stonington Paddle's effort to fill the gap. The main reason why I didn't give it 5 stars is that OQOA recently charged $57 for a half-day in a double, but Eric & Amy are charging $70 for the same thing, with a fairly inconvenient parking arrangement, and no custodian of your car keys. Oh well ! They are friendly, the equipment is in good repair, and the Colwell ramp is a reliable launch location, no need to worry about tide conditions as you return towards the red sardine factory. Good physical help getting the boat in and out, competent adjustment of foot pedals etc. If you were accustomed to using OQOA, you'll miss Eastern Mark and Shingle but you can enjoy the beach on the north side of Ferrel, which you've probably never seen. Scraggy and Merchants are in our near future.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thanks for your review! It was a pleasure hosting, and we're happy you were able to enjoy the archipelago. The OQOA rate for a half day self-guided tandem rental was $65 + $10 parking fee for non-campers. Our team is also available to hold personal effects upon request before departure as we have storage inside our shop. Thanks again for your feedback and look forward to hosting on another occasion. Paddle on!!
Jun 2021
Amy was very helpful, getting us all set in the kayaks and and showing us where to go on the map. Even sent me a link to a Google map so I could use my phone. It was a gorgeous day and the water was smooth. We had fun on Green Isle playing in the quarry then paddling around the islands.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Hey Bridget, thanks for the comments! Green Island is the perfect, accessible getaway for a day trip. We hope to host you on another occasion soon!

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