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Коментара (1000)
Aug 2019
Our family of six took the half day whitewater rafting trip. Three of us were in a large raft and the rest of us were in inflatable kayaks. Arrival at the office was chaotic and not very well organized. The trip started off well enough with an explanation of safety gear such as helmets and life jackets on the bus ride to the put in point. The afternoon was sunny and the initial part of the raft trip is more scenic than whitewater. As we entered the whitewater portion of the trip, the weather took a turn for the worse with extremely high winds. I am not kidding when I say the magnitude of the wind was comparable to a hurricane. The wind was strong enough to hold up the full size rafts against the current of the river. Our kayaks were like toys in these conditions and the wind took them wherever it wanted. This was unsettling to us and we began looking to the guides for some advice. We became separated from the raft with the rest of our family. I found out later that when our family members in the large raft asked the guide what the plan was, his response was, "Its every person for themselves." We received assistance from a group of private kayakers that were clearly experienced. They decided to pull their kayaks onto shore to wait until the wind calmed down. Eventually, guides in other rafts that were part of this tour told us to get in their rafts with them. By this point, my kids were in tears and visibly shaken up. This decision should have been made much sooner and with some authority from the guides. They appeared very unprepared and uncertain on how to deal with these conditions. As we finished this raft trip, were were told by a guide that this run down the river typically takes about two hours, and our trip was more than double that. He also commented that these were the highest winds he had experienced in his time guiding on the river, which he said was about five years. I appreciate that these were unusual circumstances, but that's also why I take a guided tour. The response to these conditions was unacceptable. We are a family that spends many weekends on the water and I would say that we are pretty comfortable in and on the water. We have rafted before and not always in great weather. In my opinion, the guides response to what we encountered that day was poor and showed a lack of preparation. I would recommend using another rafting company.
Heather K
Aug 2019
Nicole was a wonderful guide. She told us everything that was about to happen, what to do and listen for. She told us about the park, the history of the river, and pointed out little "landmarks". She asked us how we wanted our trip to go and of course, we wanted to have some fun. She obliged, and we spun in the "toilet bowl", and rammed against a rock to create a "right side suck". I fell in the water, and she quickly helped me back into the raft. I had an amazing time. This was a great experience. I highly recommend this rafting company, and Nicole as a guide.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you Heather for the review. We are lucky to have Nicole on our team to show our guests a great time. Thank you again for rafting with us.
Aug 2019
Was a great experience for everyone! We had younger kids and teenagers. Cam was an EXCELLENT guide - very informational but not over zealous. We really enjoyed this experience! Would highly recommend!!

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