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Fri 18 Oct
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Fri 18 Oct
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Коментара (1000)
Jul 2019
Last Thursday, 7/18/19 we had the experience of a lifetime during an afternoon WW rafting trip. With Hunter as our guide to navigate through what turned into near- hurricane force winds, we could not have been......ready? HAPPIER! What was going to be a fairly routine 1/2 day (as routine of an experience as WW rafting can be, that is) on a gorgeous river, turned into a much more challenging and technical experience than we could have imagined. Not long after we set out, the wind picked up and we were faced with the strongest winds they had seen on the river so far this season (according to the guides). And I don't doubt it!! Paddling into the head winds and winds coming at us from the side, Hunter and the other guides in the other boats (that were on the same 1:30 pm trip that day) had to communicate and work together to decide when and how to take on the rapids with their boats full of novice but willing paddlers. First, I must say that our entire boat (7 in our family group and an additional couple) agreed that Hunter was beyond amazing in how he handled us and the raft. He was personable, professional and made us all laugh at just the right times when a bit of humor was needed to get us through the particularly challenging times. We felt 100% safe in his boat and trusted that he would get us through the rapids and wind combination that none of us expected that day. He was confident and calm and I have no doubt that he worked much harder than he ever let on when we were making our way through what turned into what must have been considered a challenging rafting situation with a boat full of rookies! We felt the team spirt in our boat when we listened to Hunter's clear directions and worked through the rapids and wind - and when we did our 'paddle high fives' after every challenge, we knew we had even more reason to celebrate. Once through the particularly challenging moments and the wind died toward the end of the trip, we took in the absolutely stunning scenery and information that Hunter shared with us about the history of the river and the area. It was even more glorious to float a bit and appreciate not only the beauty of our surroundings, but the skill and professionalism we witnessed that day by Hunter. Even if we had had a more 'routine' experience on the river that day, we would have been just as impressed with Hunter, the other guides and staff and the Glacier Raft Company in general. Everyone along the way was courteous and professional. I/we highly recommend this as an incredible experience not to missed. I stress that from what we understand -- our experience on the river was highly unusual - but a true test in regards to the quality of their guides (HUNTER!) and training. THANK YOU Hunter from the Dream Team family of 7 - what a memorable trip that we won't soon (ummmm- won't EVER forget!).
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thank you so much for taking the time to share about your experience. We never know what mother nature is going to throw at us but we are glad that Hunter showed you our guides are prepared for anything and can still make the trip fun!
Jul 2019
It was our 2nd time in 2 years with this company. Last year we did the scenic float and this year we took it up a notch to 2-3 rated rapids. Again, the trip was AMAZING. It was perfect for our family of 4 (kids age 8 and 14). Our guide SAAR was knowledgeable and fun (my youngest son says funny). He made sure we knew how to be prepared under any circumstance with the water and was able to tell us a lot about the area. At the end of the 8 mile run, dinner was served by SAAR and DILLON(guide from the 2nd raft). There was appetizers, dinner of steak, chicken or veggie burgers, baked potatoes, salad and a big hit dessert with the kids of brownie s’mores. This company is organized, professional and super fun!! Highly recommend!!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Wow! Thank you for coming back with us again. We are so glad you enjoyed the trip with dinner. We hope to see you back again in the future.
Katie R
Jul 2019
Ian was an awesome guide. Loved that he shared bits of knowledge about the history, rock formations and flora of West Glacier. He was fun and silly but safe and professional. No one got dumped but we definitely got wet and had plenty of exilerating moments!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thank you Katie for the great review! We are so glad Ian showed you an amazing time on the river.

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