Ово је најбољи начин да посетите дестинацију за роњење број 1 на Оахуу у трајању од 5 сати (повратно путовање са преузимањем/одласком у хотел). Одличан за све узрасте и нивое искуства. Најповољнији и најпоузданији превоз од Ваикикија до залива Ханаума.
Цити: Хонолулу
Mon 13 Jan
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондицијели><ли>Возачи и рецепционери МОГУ да говоре и португалски.ли><ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљули><ли>Опрема. /опрема дезинфицирана између употребели><ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикујули><ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу рукели><ли>Пошто су Хаваји укинули мандат маски 25. марта, носећи маску унутар шатл ће бити опциони за сваког купца.ли>ул>
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Коментара (280)
Jan 2020
Great snorkeling !
We enjoyed Hanauma Bay with Kaimana Tours and Shuttle service , everything was great , driver was very good and fun , he showed us how to use the snorkeling gears and told us the good spots to see turtles and big fishes.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thanks for the awesome review! We work hard to meet expectations like yours, and we’re happy to hear we hit the mark for you. Come back
and see us soon. Cheers!
Jan 2020
We used Kaimana Tours to enjoy Hanauma Bay , great service and the snorkel gears was very good. Driver showed up on time and the shuttle driver was on time and very clean . We will recommend to all my friends. Thank you Kaimana Tours.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thanks for the awesome review! We work hard to meet expectations like yours, and we’re happy to hear we hit the mark for you. Come back
and see us soon. Cheers!
Jan 2020
Cheeped snorkeling materials while trying to sell you other necessary part.
Lost one day of doing other activity and using our city card due to tour specific middle of the day timing.
I would not recommend any of these company tours.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Aloha and thanks for your feedback! But our snorkeling gears are top quality and was replaced in the beginning of the year, they are more expensive and reliable than normal sets. We had spoken with your driver and you never stated your displeasure at all with him so it’s tough to guess something went wrong. He mentioned you didn’t want to rent a life vest but that’s stated on our website it’s rented separately.
And we have 4 tour times available, 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 and 1:00 pm, we suggest next time choose the 7:00 am.