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Харлем Хип-Хоп пешачка тура

Take a guided tour through Harlem to the sites that inspired and nurtured hip-hop culture. New York is the birthplace of hip-hop and this walking tour allows you to take a hip-hop look at New York's famous Harlem neighborhood. See it as the pioneers of hip-hop see it by way of their exclusive anecdotes.
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Wed 02 Apr
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Са почетком у $55.00
Wed 02 Apr
Са почетком у $55.00
Шта је укључено
Хип-Хоп историчар туристички водич
2-часовна пешачка тура
Hip-Hop historian tour guide
2-hour walking tour
Hip-Hop historian tour guide
2-hour walking tour
Hip-Hop historian tour guide
Додатне информације
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Tour is operated in rain or shine
Шта да очекујете
Хусх хип хоп туре
Не можете да видите најбоље од Харлема иза прозора, па га ставите у парк и лупајте по тротоару на овој двосатној пешачкој турнеји по Харлему у Њујорку. Погледајте мултимедијални догађај да бисте научили историју Њујорка у дигитализованој продукцији на 3 екрана која прича причу о томе како је град израстао у највећи светски урбани центар. Затим обуците удобне ципеле да бисте у лежерној хип-хоп шетњи кроз Меку хип-хоп културе. Погледајте локације Дип Сета, најстаријих продавница плоча у Харлему, легендарног Аполо театра, бројних клубова, плус научите богату музичку и политичку историју. Придружите се својим водичима и поделите своја размишљања о животу у великом граду и прошетајте! Ова пешачка тура у Харлему је погодна за све узрасте, ентузијасте хип-хопа, заинтересоване за Фондацију културе и повратнике у Њујорк. То је заиста јединствено искуство са перспективом и фокусом које могу показати само Велики мајстори хип-хопа. Харлем Хип-Хоп Валкинг Тоур је погодан за породицу и одличан је за било коју старосну групу и културно порекло са поштовањем старе школе и нове школе хип-хоп музике.
Аполо театар
Галерија славних
Харлем Хип-Хоп пешачка тура
Музеј града Њујорка
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Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Show 29 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (143)
Jan 2024
Great discovery of the Harlem neighborhood with an outstanding guide. I advise. The atmosphere is guaranteed. The guide puts on the show and tells us the history of hip’hop.
Sep 2023
Fresh guide, pretty happy with what he does, we just weren't in the same place, so it seems his energy level was a little too fresh. If you love hip hop etc. then this is the tour for you. We thought there was more information about the area but it is all centered on the culture.

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