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Харлем Јазз Сериес

Харлем Јазз Сериес угошћује неке од најталентованијих џез музичара данашњице на месту где је све почело. Кустос и уметнички режију потписује дугогодишњи становник Харлема Крег Харис, познати тромбониста и композитор.<бр><бр>● Џез концерт уживо неких од најискуснијих и најперспективнијих музичара на џез екрану данас<бр>● Крег Харис, кустос Харлем Јазз Сериес, има за циљ да инспирише, образује и забави<бр>● Доживите бесмртне звуке и ритмове Дука Елингтона, Еле Фицџералд, Мајлса Дејвиса и многих других!<бр>● Посетиоци концерта ће доживети потпуно урањање у хладним, умирујућим вибрацијама џеза <бр>
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Fri 24 Jan
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Fri 24 Jan
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Коментара (15)
Nov 2022
Very accomplished musicians however the acoustics of the church do not help at all. Had they been up on the ‘stage’ it might have helped. It sounded like a cacophony of sound and it’s no wonder so many left halfway through. Very disappointing.
Oct 2022
We booked the Friday night jazz through our New York City Pass. The church is really lovely and clearly well-loved and cherished. The jazz was superb. The musicians were all superb and the dynamic and rapport between them of course contributed to their performances and our enjoyment. We were so glad we had chosen to include this in our programme during our week in New York. A great enticement to visit Harlem. We couldn’t recommend this too highly.
Ivona K
Sep 2022
Waste of time and money. I think every week they have a fifferent performance. We got a bunch who sounded like amateurs making awful noise in some garage. Nothing iconic or worthwhile here. I am a jazz lover and have been to plenty of concerts. On top of that the area is very sketchy. We left halfway through; several people walked out in first ten minutes.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Thank you for your feedback concerning your experience at the Harlem Jazz Series. We have been running for eight years, and all the artists who perform with us are experienced. The group of musicians that performed on September 2, 2022, collectively have over 115 years of experience in the world of music. Craig Harris is a trombone player (50 years of experience), Tony Lewis is a drummer (more than 35 years of experience), Kelvyn Bell is a guitarist (more than 35 years of experience), and Barry Stephenson is a bass player (more than 15 years). You referred to two guests that left in the first ten minutes. Do you know why the guest left after the initial ten minutes? Guests leave for a variety of reasons, and you don’t know why they left. Now we will focus on the 135 guests who remained, enjoyed the performance, hung out with the musicians after the show, took pictures, got autographs, and bought CDs. They are also jazz lovers since they enjoyed experiencing one of the 40 subgenres of jazz. The very sketchy area that you refer to is the Mount Morris Park Historic District. It was designated a landmark district in 1971 because of the almost unchanged streetscapes of nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century brownstone townhouses and churches representing the diverse styles of the Gilded Age. You will find tree-lined streets, wide boulevards in the neighborhood, and homes vary in price from $4 to $6 million. It has been one of the most sort after neighborhoods to live in for more than 30 years in New York City. Carolyn Johnson

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