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Спустите се у окриље таме у култном граду Остину у Тексасу са национално признатим приповедачем. Ваш стручни водич ће уплашити и забавити вашу малу групу током ове 90-минутне пешачке туре са историјским причама о убиствима, мистеријама и, наравно, духовима. Поред тога, истражићете мало познате кутке и пукотине Аустина и посетићете популарне атракције попут хотела Дрискилл.
Цити: Аустин
Fri 27 Sep
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Са почетком у $27.50
Fri 27 Sep
Са почетком у $27.50
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Цене:<ли>Додатне информације:<ли>Препоручују се удобне ципеле<ли>Сазнајте више: хттпс: //ввв.тоуратк.цом/гхост-валк/<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно оперите руке<ли>Према прописима државе Тексас, маске нису потребне за спољашње активности. Огромна већина наше турнеје је напољу, али маске се охрабрују за све купце. Маске су потребне приликом уласка у било које историјске зграде, укључујући хотел Дрискилл.
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Коментара (484)
Jul 2021
The tour meets in front of a bar called the Speak Easy. Apparently, the tour company has an agreement about meeting here and they encourage you to have a Coke and use the restroom while you’re waiting for the tour to start. So I tried taking my teen daughters in to use the restroom like the tour guide told me to. The bouncer at the door gave us some pushback and didn’t want to let my daughters in. I get that. They have a liquor license and all and need to protect that. But then he was rude to me and my daughters. That was unacceptable. The tour company shouldn’t be meeting here and using the facilities if they want families to attend their tours. I don’t recommend the tour for families.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you so much for your feedback! We will address the situation. This is definitely a family friendly ghost tour. The tour itself is five star recommended for Ghost story enthusiasts of all ages. That said, your experience at the speakeasy is totally unacceptable. I apologize that you were treated rudely by front of house. Most of our guests enjoy being able to grab a drink and use the restroom before the tour and we’ve never had another problem. Again, my apologies. Best, Jim Miles, owner
Jul 2021
My wife and I had the greatest time listening to our guide Tyler. He gave great details of the paranormal history of Austin. The different stops beginning with the Speakeasy Tavern followed by The Driskill Hotel were intriguing! Upon leaving The Driskill and crossing the street to our next stop; my wife looked and me and asked “did you smell that”? I thought it was just me but we both smelled a cigar. Tyler had just shared at The Driskill, how people had experienced smelling cigar smoke which Mr.Driskill was known for. We didn’t share this with Tyler (our guide); not wanting to interrupt the guided tour. My wife and I just smiled at each other. That was a cool experience for us. We thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the tour! Thanks so much to Jim the owner as he made room to accommodate us on Thursday even though our scheduled tour was set for the previous Tuesday. My wife had injured her foot Tuesday morning on a hike and Jim was gracious enough to allow us to get us on the Thursday tour. Thanks Jim and Tyler for a great experience! We will definitely be back again and sign up for additional tours. Keep up the great work. My wife and I highly recommend this tour; it’s well worth it! Richard and Kim Gaona
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you so much Richard and Kim! I’m so glad the ankle is well and healthy :-) And, we’re so happy you enjoyed your tour. Austin is a unique and wonderful place and has some of the greatest Ghost stories in America! Come back and see us soon! You’ve officially got friends in Austin;) Best, JM
Jul 2021
Our tour guide was Dan, and he was an amazing guide! Very knowledgeable, very engaging, and showed us a lot of cool spots and gave us plenty of cool facts about downtown. It was really interesting hearing about all the stories people have had over the years. Very very fun tour, would do again!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thanks Aaron! Dan is indeed a great communicator! Especially when it comes to telling the haunted history of Austin:) He told the team how much fun this group was:) Thanks for helping to make it a great night in our “weird” little city:)! Please come back and see us soon! Best, JM touratx.com E

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