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Тура уклетих Вегаса и Лов на духове у Лас Вегасу

Ова живахна и сабласна турнеја по уклетом Вегасу одвешће вас до уклетих места Елвиса, Мајкла Џексона и Либерачеа. Ово искуство омогућава посету таквим језивим локацијама нудећи обилазак уклетих са водичем и лов на духове, који садржи најмрачније сабласне тајне Града греха.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
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Коментара (148)
Jul 2019
Took the Haunted Vegas Tour that started at Tuscany. We had pizza and then started to see the tour. Dave was funny and showed us a good time. We recommend this to everyone and will do the tour again the next time we are in Vegas.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Patsfan70, Thank you for leaving this review. We appreciate you taking the Haunted Vegas Tour. Next time you visit, please consider taking our Goodsprings Ghost Hunt, you visit a 106 year old saloon that is filled with ghosts. After having dinner inside the saloon, you walk the town and visit the hanging tree, miners cabins, ice house, post office, school house and cemetery. Thank you again!
Jul 2019
Very professional tour. And organized. I loved the van and the ghost equipment. Our tour guide was really funny and knows a lot of ghosts facts. I really enjoy it and recommend it.The only thing i wish to change it’s to make more stops and to walk. We only visited 3 places and the rest was in the car.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Danaperezj, Thank you for taking our Haunted Vegas Tour and thank you for posting a review of your experience. Sounds like you enjoyed your tour guide Dave. We appreciate your feedback and will be taking that into consideration during future company meetings. We are always trying to create experiences that are fun and satisfying. Please consider taking our Goodsprings Ghost Hunt next time you visit, once you get to Goodsprings and have dinner, you walk the mining town. There are miners cabins, hanging tree, ice house, post office, school house, cemetery and much more.
Jul 2019
I am a believer in the paranormal and looked forward to this tour but was quite disappointed. The driver, Eddie, was very nice and a gentlemen. However, the tour itself and the tour guide, Dave, left a long-lasting, negative memory. Dave spoke as if he were reading from a script, was quite monotone, and was easily aggravated. For example, he was annoyed when my friend had to use the restroom during the over 2 hour tour, and he didn't hesitate in expressing his annoyance by saying, "This is exactly why I told everyone to go to the bathroom after dinner." The dinner, by the way, was 2 small pizza slices or 1 larger slice. Dave also became annoyed when we didn't laugh at his dry and unexpressful jokes and often referred to us as a "tough croud." While discussing various supposed hauntings, he referred to Michael Jackson's success as "still doesn't erase the bad things that he has done. " I'm sorry, Michael was found "not guilty," so keep your opinions to yourself. As for the tour, we paid almost $300 to be driven around Vegas and shown news clips of a few murders. We stopped outside a couple of those places but were not allowed to get down. We got down at 1 hotel, 1 city park, and 1 playground. The ghost hunting electronic device was cheap and unconvincing because it had a pattern of off/on/blink...off/on/blink. The voice device did not say anything, though Dave tried to say that he did. His attempt at communicating with the departed was scripted, and he showed no real interest. The metal rods only moved because they had grips that were not attached, were top heavy, which naturally puts added weight to the front of the rods, causing them to freely move around. Dave admitted to moving to Vegas to be a part of a show. Then he said 2 things: 1) his boss was a ghost skeptic turned owner of the tour company and 2) he and 5 others are co-owners of the ghost touring company. So, which is true? Anyway, save yourself a LOT of money by researching Vegas murders, finding those addresses, and touring them yourself. You can make it a family bonding experience and save money.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Hi TexasGal1234, We are sorry to hear you had an unpleasant experience with us. Dave is one of our best hosts and is always cracking jokes with our guests to loosen them up a bit. We also make it a priority to make sure that all of our customers are having a great time and are staying together as a group for safety reasons. It's also very surprising to us that you did not enjoy the tour itself, we definitely do our best to entertain and have set the bar in Vegas touring. However, we appreciate and value your feedback and will take this into account moving forward. We hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Vegas!

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