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Тура уклетих Вегаса и Лов на духове у Лас Вегасу

Ова живахна и сабласна турнеја по уклетом Вегасу одвешће вас до уклетих места Елвиса, Мајкла Џексона и Либерачеа. Ово искуство омогућава посету таквим језивим локацијама нудећи обилазак уклетих са водичем и лов на духове, који садржи најмрачније сабласне тајне Града греха.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sun 22 Sep
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Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $119.95
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 13 година<ли>Деца од 13 до 18 година морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Алкохол није дозвољен у аутобусу
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Коментара (148)
Maureen H
Apr 2019
It was a fun and interesting outing with our teenagers. Loved going through our pictures afterwards.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Maureen, thank you for taking the Haunted Vegas Tour. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed the experience. If you've captured any paranormal evidence in your photos, please share them here we would love to see them.
Apr 2019
This was a great night. All arrangements were faultless, everything was delivered as promised. We had a great guide who was able to cover the history, show us how to use the equipment and kept everyone entertained. Pick up from Tuscany Casino. Started with a group chat and then onto a small, comfortable shuttle to start location visits. Definitely wear comfortable walking shoes and depending on time of year, you may want a jacket. Bring a camera. We visited three locations where we had the chance to look for activity, probably would have liked one more site visit if possible. Another couple of locations were visited but not accessed. While in the shuttle the guide will show history and video of the locations plus other known hauntings.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thank you for taking the Haunted Vegas Tour and Ghost Hunt Scully! We appreciate you taking the time to leave this awesome review. We try and keep our groups small and intimate, usually no more than 10-12 guests. We are always updating the stops and videos to keep the tour fresh. We are always searching and investigating for new locations to add. Thank you again for taking the tour Scully and next time you are in Las Vegas, come join us on the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt.....where you investigate inside the Pioneer Saloon (a 106 year old saloon).
Mar 2019
I would highly recommend the Vegas Ghost Tour. It was a lot of fun with plenty of spooky stories and a couple very real ghost encounters. My daughter and I managed to get some very real pictures of ghosts. Our guides Ryan and Dave were amazing and gave us a great history of the haunted places in Vegas. Just so happened are hotel was the number 1 haunted place in Vegas. We slept with one eye open!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Melindab137, Thank you for joining us on the Haunted Vegas Tour and Ghost Hunt. We are glad to hear that you and your daughter enjoyed the experience. Please feel free to share your photos with us on social media, we would love to share the photos you captured. Ryan and Dave are both fantastic guides and present the material in a very entertaining and educational way. Hope the stories didn't keep you awake too long, but then again, when you are in Vegas how much sleep do you really need? Thank you again and please consider taking the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt next time you visit.

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