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Тура уклетих Вегаса и Лов на духове у Лас Вегасу

Ова живахна и сабласна турнеја по уклетом Вегасу одвешће вас до уклетих места Елвиса, Мајкла Џексона и Либерачеа. Ово искуство омогућава посету таквим језивим локацијама нудећи обилазак уклетих са водичем и лов на духове, који садржи најмрачније сабласне тајне Града греха.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sun 22 Sep
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Sun 22 Sep
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 13 година<ли>Деца од 13 до 18 година морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Алкохол није дозвољен у аутобусу
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Коментара (148)
Gabriell L
Apr 2018
David was an awesome tour guide! My boyfriend and I loved using the equipment and learning about some the haunted history in Paradise and near, as well as getting some corny jokes. It is long though, and can get breezy and cool (April) so maybe pack a light coat. Recommended.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Thank you Gabriell, we are happy to hear you and your boyfriend enjoyed spending your evening with us. The Goodsprings Ghost Hunt typically lasts 4 hours. You are correct, it is sometimes cold up in Goodsprings, we try to inform everyone to dress appropriately and to wear comfortable footwear (no open toed shoes). David always aims to please and although corny sometimes he is a wealth of knowledge and passionate about our tour. Next time you are in Vegas, come join us on the Haunted Vegas Tour, we have lots of celebrity ghosts and you get to use the ghost hunting equipment again! Thank you again for the awesome review!
Amhforyou G
Mar 2018
My daughter, husband and I booked this tour and we were not disappointed. I was a bit scared at first as this is my first time and did not know what to expect. JB's sense of humor, knowledge and very entertaining spirits made the hunting fun and comforting for people like me. The tour is very educational, and experiential. I will never look Las Vegas the same way anymore. This tour has provided evidence of paranormal activities and I will come back to do this again on my next visit.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Amhforyou G, Thank you for leaving such a wonderful review! We are so happy you and your family enjoyed your time with JB on Haunted Vegas Tour and Ghost Hunt. Vegas Specialty Tours strives to educate and excite our guests, we are pleased to hear you a fun and comfortable experience. Since you enjoyed Haunted Vegas Ghost Hunt, I recommend trying our Goodsprings Ghost Hunt next time you are visiting. This features a longer tour, where you will visit the ghost town of Goodsprings as well as dinner at the infamous Pioneer Saloon. We hope to see you again soon!
Mar 2018
My daughter (21) and I went on this tour for her birthday. Our tour guide, JB, was absolutely fantastic. He was very knowledgeable about the "ghosts of Vegas", told us some very entertaining stories and really added to an already fascinating experience. We had the opportunity to explore three areas with haunted backgrounds, using some of their equipment that enhances the experience. In between these locations, we rode around in a van where JB entertained us with ghost stories about the hotels and other hot spots. I will recommend this to anyone I know traveling to Vegas, looking for something really fun and interesting to do!!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Thank you Becki~ I am happy to hear that you enjoyed Haunted Vegas Tour. JB is an awesome guide, always accommodating and enthusiastic about giving our guests the best experience possible. I am glad you enjoyed getting to use ghost hunting equipment, we thought it would be more fun to our guests if they had a hands on experience. Thank you again for the great review and maybe on your daughters 22nd birthday you will attend our Goodsprings Ghost Hunt. Much like Haunted Vegas but we take you to the town of Goodsprings NV and you explore an old haunted mining town. See you next time!

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