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Хаваии Фиве-О Тоур и ручак код МцГарретта са рођаком Флиппом

Љубитељи популарне телевизијске емисије Хаваии Фиве-О ће обожавати ову турнеју локација која укључује ГАРАНТОВАНИ ЕКСКЛУЗИВНИ ПРИСТУП „МцГарретт'с Хоусе”, гурмански ручак и упознавање са чланом глумачке екипе Шоном „Рођаком Флипом” Мокуахи Гарнеттом!<бр><бр> бр>Проводимо љубитеље емисије кроз цео процес њеног стварања на једној од најважнијих локација МцГарретт'с Хоусе. Упознаћете рођака Филипу и добити многа питања о томе како се емисија производи из прве руке од звезде лично.
Цити: Хонолулу
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $189.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $189.00
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Ручак у Баиер Естате (МцГарретт'с Хоусе) са чланом глумачке екипе Шоном Мокуахи Гарнеттом (Рођак Флиппа). Избор сендвича: Тхе Беефи МцГарретт | Тхе МцГарретт Цхицкен | Веггие МцГарретт
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Коментара (114)
Russell V
Mar 2018

I thought we would at least stop at the north shore for a photo opportunity for sure and at some other places. was pretty disappointing. the guide we had was rather full of herself and a bit rude actually. would not recommend this tour. not worth the money

Jeffrey F
Mar 2018
We were on Island in Feb and took the Hawaii 5-o Tour. Big fans!! We had a spectacular day of touring with Amy !! Went to all the show homes and to a whole lot of film sights. What a GREAT day !! Then it got a whole lot better, Amy got a call they were filming out at Magic Island!! So off we went, and what a GREAT experience 95% of the stars were there! Amy said that didn't happen that often, But it did that day!!! So after they were done shooting for the day, we got our pics taken with 7 of the stars!!! What a Thrill !!! Amy you are the BEST tour guide we could have ask for!! So nice and helpful and just a all around GREAT Gal !!! They are so lucky to have someone like you doing this job !!!! Thanks again and keep up the GREAT work!!! You made our trip !!! Also THANKS to the tour group, you guys Rock !!!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Aloha Jeffrey, We are so happy to hear about your experience and agree, Amy is the best! While we always try to over deliver on our tours, we must take this opportunity to let readers know this is indeed VERY RARE. We never promise our guests they will see the stars or filming but when it's possible that is always a extra bonus. We hope to see you again! Mahalo
Andrea M
Mar 2018
This is an awesome tour espicially with Amy as your guide she has all the insider knowledge. Saw all the amazing places off the show and even got a real life glimpse of Alex o'laughlin ( Steve McGarret). I would highly recommend this tour to anyone who has seen the show its just amazing and definately was one of the many highlights of my first trip to Oahu. Thank you so much Amy and the tour group.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Aloha Andrea, Thanks so much for the kind words about Amy, she always bring a wealth of knowledge to the tour. We're also thrilled to hear you got to see a glimpse of Alex which is very unusual. While it's always a bonus, readers of this review should not have that expectation. Mahalo nui for the great review and hope to see you again !

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