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Хидден Цасцаде Хикинг Тоур ин Греат Смоки Моунтаинс из Гатлинбурга

**Сви учесници ће морати да носе маску у свим случајевима у којима се не може избећи блиски контакт. Молимо понесите своје маске и средство за дезинфекцију руку. Такође ће бити затражено да потпишете потврду о ризицима и пријавите било коју болест у року од 14 дана од обиласка.** Национални парк Греат Смоки Моунтаинс познат је по невероватној разноликости флоре и фауне, богатој културној историји, слаповима водопада и задивљујућим погледима. На овом 4-сатном пешачењу са водичем добијате све и са малом групом од највише 11 учесника, избегавајући велику гужву. Ово планинарење је за авантуристе у срцу јер има напорно пењање и спуштање по стази, као и скакање по стенама преко потока. Ради ваше безбедности и мира, сви водичи су сертификовани као први одговорни у дивљини и несмртоносне технике аверзије медведа. Изаберите једно од два времена поласка када резервишете.
Цити: Гатлинбург
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Sun 17 Nov
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције.<ли>Овај обилазак захтева најмање 2 особе за рад. Ако путујете соло, можете се придружити постојећој тури или платити цену за 2 особе.<ли>Минимална старост деце је 8 година.<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Молимо понесите: Најмање 64 оз воде по особи, крему за сунчање и добре ципеле за шетњу. Ако имате добру опрему за кишу или омиљени штап за ходање, понесите и ово.<ли>Препоручује се бар једнодневни пакет за ношење ваше опреме. Ако вам затребамо, можете добити унапред обавештење.<ли>Бићете обезбеђени грицкалице на бази орашастих плодова (микс за стазу и крекери од путера од кикирикија). Ако сте можда алергични на орашасте плодове или не уживате у укусу орашастих плодова, понесите своју лагану ужину.<ли>Препоручује се напојница од 10-20%<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче
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Коментара (161)
May 2017
My son Mark (age 25) and I (age 55) took a two night back-country hiking and camping adventure, led by Mike Matzko last weekend. We had done some day hikes, but neither of us were experienced with overnight camping or with carrying 30 pound packs. We had a fabulous time, and received expert advice and guidance from Mike. We started at A Walk in the Woods (AWitW) office, where Mike demonstrated for us and then watched us pack our 70 liter packs. We rented all our equipment except for snacks, trekking sticks, clothes and boots from AWitW. Rental equipment included really nice packs, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and tents. Also, Mike supplied us with food, and bags, along with various camping needs. We felt very well outfitted, and yet Mike was careful to make sure we did not exceed a reasonable load. We started our adventure at Newfound Gap, heading up the AT to Sweat Heifer Trail. Mike had us stop a short time into the trek to take our packs off and stretch, good practice. We descended Sweat Heifer Trail to Kephart Shelter. Mike showed us how to unpack, and protect the integrity of the shelter in order to keep from attracting bears and other troubles. Mike was very patient as I asked many stupid questions, and important lessons were learned. I realize I could go into great detail reliving the trip, which would be boring for the reader. The point is that Mike showed us how to backpack safely, obtain drinking water from streams or springs without risking giardia, take good care of ourselves, and finally, take great care of our park. Mike is a great steward of the park and its natural inhabitants. I learned a lot about nature and protecting it, and especially appreciated how we can visit the back-country, even sleep in the back-country, and do our best not to adversely effect nature or put ourselves in dangerous situations. We plan to return to the Great Smoky Mountains again next year, and we plan to utilize A Walk in the Woods services again. Mike, thanks for such a great time!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2021
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Apr 2017
We had such a great time on our hike with A Walk in the Woods. Erik was our guide and he made it not only fun, but super informative. We learned cool facts about the animals in the mountains (bears give birth in trees...who knew?) and about the history of the area (from biodiversity to bootleggers)! We don't do much in the way of hiking, so were a bit intimidated about the idea of hiking alone in a forest, but we definitely couldn't imagine going all the way to the Smokies without exploring the park. A Walk in the Woods provided all sorts of guided hike and walk options to make it the perfect experience just for us. We'd recommend a hike with A Walk in the Woods and Erik any day, and we're already planning our next trip to the Smokies!
Satheavy M
Mar 2017
We wanted to explore the Smoky Mountains, but wanted to know what we were seeing, so we booked a guided tour. We heard about this company from a co-worker, who recommended it. We called on a Sunday morning, and were able to book a walk for later that day, for 7 people including three kids she's 3, 7, and 10. Our tour was called "A Stroll Back in Time " Booking was easy, and the receptionist emailed our confirmation and driving directions. We met our guide, Matt, at a parking lot near the entrance, and followed him to the start of the trail. In total, the walk was about 3.5 miles. Matt was an awesome guide, and taught us so much about the trees and plants around us. He was great with the kids, and very patient with our many questions. He is also a guide for multi day mountain backpacking trips, and I would trust him to keep me alive in the woods. He had us try native non-piosonous plants, like a tiny berry and a toothbrush plant that smelled like wintergreen, and taught us how the mountain people 100 years ago used the land to live. The highlight of the tour was seeing an old mountain house and having our snacks, which were provided. He had bags of trail mix (nuts and chocolate), and peanut butter crackers. It was the perfect snack for our home and actually did give us an energy boost. The scenery was absolutely gorgeous and I loved seeing the kids enjoying nature, rather than technology. The walk was a little long for the 3 year old, so we took turns carrying her. The trail is well taken care of and very easy to walk. I would definitely tour with this company again, and request Matt as a guide.

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