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Хидден Цасцаде Хикинг Тоур ин Греат Смоки Моунтаинс из Гатлинбурга

**Сви учесници ће морати да носе маску у свим случајевима у којима се не може избећи блиски контакт. Молимо понесите своје маске и средство за дезинфекцију руку. Такође ће бити затражено да потпишете потврду о ризицима и пријавите било коју болест у року од 14 дана од обиласка.** Национални парк Греат Смоки Моунтаинс познат је по невероватној разноликости флоре и фауне, богатој културној историји, слаповима водопада и задивљујућим погледима. На овом 4-сатном пешачењу са водичем добијате све и са малом групом од највише 11 учесника, избегавајући велику гужву. Ово планинарење је за авантуристе у срцу јер има напорно пењање и спуштање по стази, као и скакање по стенама преко потока. Ради ваше безбедности и мира, сви водичи су сертификовани као први одговорни у дивљини и несмртоносне технике аверзије медведа. Изаберите једно од два времена поласка када резервишете.
Цити: Гатлинбург
Sun 17 Nov
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Sun 17 Nov
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције.<ли>Овај обилазак захтева најмање 2 особе за рад. Ако путујете соло, можете се придружити постојећој тури или платити цену за 2 особе.<ли>Минимална старост деце је 8 година.<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Молимо понесите: Најмање 64 оз воде по особи, крему за сунчање и добре ципеле за шетњу. Ако имате добру опрему за кишу или омиљени штап за ходање, понесите и ово.<ли>Препоручује се бар једнодневни пакет за ношење ваше опреме. Ако вам затребамо, можете добити унапред обавештење.<ли>Бићете обезбеђени грицкалице на бази орашастих плодова (микс за стазу и крекери од путера од кикирикија). Ако сте можда алергични на орашасте плодове или не уживате у укусу орашастих плодова, понесите своју лагану ужину.<ли>Препоручује се напојница од 10-20%<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче
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Коментара (161)
Kari D
Sep 2015
For my summer vacation I decided to take 4 days and hike part of the Appalachian Trail on the north end of Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Since I was flying in, I used A Walk in the Woods for their shuttle service but really got so much more. They were very helpful when I called to update me on the trails I planned to hike as well as the shelters I was planning to stay in. Since this was my first time visiting I really appreciated them taking that time to make me feel confident the trip I was planning was realistic. I was picked up right on time at Knoxville Airport by Sara and had a great drive out to Davenport Gap. She was extremely friendly and knowledgeable about the park. Since I flew right in and headed to the trail they even brought me a fuel canister so I would be all ready to head out... except I forgot to get it! I realized this not long after being dropped off and left a message at the office. But I wasn't going to let that ruin my trip so I headed out. I was absolutely blown away to meet up later that day with Sara! She had ran my fuel into the shelter I was staying at that night once she got my message. It was a six mile trip and I couldn't say thank you enough. That hot meal that night was top shelf for sure! The trip was a really amazing experience and I was rewarded at the end with Erik who entertained me with facts about the park and local stories all the way to Ashville. His knowledge of the plants and animals of the park impressed me, not just on an intelligence level, but also the passion you can clearly see he has for the park. Hands down I can say my trip was an absolute success and I couldn't have done it with out them! They really are there to ensure every one of their clients enjoys the time they have in the park.
Kim E
Sep 2015
I recently went on a trip to the Smoky Mountains to climb Mt. LeConte, with 8 other hikers. There is construction in the park, and it turns out that the trail we were taking up would not be accessible on the day we came down the mountain. We had to leave our vehicles in the lot of our return trail and get a shuttle to our ascending hike trailhead. We found this service on the internet and called them. They do get booked up and had only a few windows of availability for the next day when we needed them. They went out of their way to make sure we were accommodated with a time that was convenient and allowed us enough time for our hike. When we arrived at our meeting point, the agreed upon pickup time was 8:45am. Sure enough, a very nice small bus arrived exactly at the right time. Our driver was extremely friendly and knowledgeable about the area (I cannot remember her name but she was great) During the drive from one trailhead to the other, she gave us a TON of park information, facts about the Smoky Mountain ecosystem, climate, even detailed information of what our hike up LeConte would entail and landmarks to look for. The van\bus was very comfortable and clean, and all of our equipment fit nicely in the back. This was way more than just a cab ride. Apparently this company also leads hiking and backpacking trips. I would travel with them in a minute! The total for the trip worked out to about $15.00 per person. I felt this was fair given the high quality service we received. These folks clearly love the park and all the wonderful natural features it has to offer-nice to meet kindred spirits doing something they love:)
Aug 2015
My wife and I did the A Stroll Back in Time walk. Our guide, Blue, was very knowledgeable about medicinal plants and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. My wife and I had a good time seeing all of the sights. We will pick a little more strenuous walk in the future as the pace was easy for someone in decent physical shape. It was well worth the cost.

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