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Пешачите или возите бициклом-Стеамбоат Спрингс Адвентурер Сцавенгер Хунт

Добродошли у интерактивни лов на чистаче који је осмислио мој туристички водич!<бр>Ова јединствена искуства су одмак од традиционалних лова на чистаче и створена су да би посетиоцима на новом месту омогућила да брже уђу дубље. Они омогућавају прилику да разговарају са локалним становништвом о забавним темама, буду креативни са околином и делују као детективи у потрази за уметношћу и занимљивим локалним причама.<бр>Магични део је енергија и јединственост коју уносите на сто јер се свака утакмица завршава изгледа мало другачије. То је прилика да се повежете са својим саиграчима на безбрижан и забаван начин, добијете много забавних фотографија и видео записа и дозволите себи да се само играте.<бр>Игра је дизајнирана за људе свих узраста који уживају у истраживању и креативности. Малишани се добро сналазе у тиму који води одрасла особа. <бр>Ова игра је заједничка креација између вас и вашег интерактивног домаћина који се прилагођава и комуницира док играте. Конкретни тачни одговори добијају додатне приче и чињенице од вашег домаћина који вам је у џепу на Вхатс Апп-у.<бр>
Цити: Стеамбоат Спрингс
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $35.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $35.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке фитнесс<ли>То је пешачка или бициклистичка авантура дуж живописне речне стазе.<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Ово је безбедно и удаљено домаћинство. догађај.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (7)
Nov 2021
Sometimes the things you don’t plan or schedule for your trip turn out to be the most fun! We scheduled a spur of the moment scavenger hunt while in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We were able to experience the city in a way that we would not have had we not chosen go on this magical hike along the Yampa River Trail. Our guide, Tara, was very creative in the clues she wrote for us to follow. She was delightful and cheered us on throughout the hike. We had so much fun and found ourselves laughing at each other as we performed each task. We have photos of this adventure that we will treasure. I highly recommend a scavenger hunt with Tara on your next vacation! Thank you, Tara, for providing one of the highlights of our trip!!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2021
Aw! Thanks for the beautiful review and for trusting me with your Steamboat adventure. You were the perfect fit in terms of friendliness for the friendliness of the locals. I hope to see you for a rematch at one of my other locations!
Aug 2021
My family loved this scavenger hunt! What a unique way to learn about steamboat springs and engage with the locals. We would have never experienced the amazing things we did without the hunt. . We loved walking theYampa Core Trail along the river and Valley Botanical Garden were truly awesome. Would definitely recommend. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2021
Bare Necessities Team,Thank you for being such a great fun on my latest hunt in Steamboat. I agree the Yampa Core Trail is beautiful and fun. Its such a friendly town!
Aug 2021
This was a scam! No one ever showed up to take us on Yampa River Trail. No one at the Bud Werner Library had ever heard of it! We will not pay for this!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
I reached out to this guest Gerald, to make plans for his scavenger hunt. I host it on whats app. He told me he was not attending and I told him twice by text to contact Viator to get his money back. I don't work for Viator and cannot arrange cancelations for guests. I am not a scam. Strangely, this guest booked the event for two separate dates. When i reached out to him the day before the first date, as I do with all my guests, he told me he had booked the date by accident and they wouldnt be arriving in Steamboat until the following day. I offered to do the hunt the next day. He refused and told me he had booked the hunt a few days later. I told him great and I looked forward to hosting him and asked if I could offer any tips for the area. At that point he told me they had no further interest doing the event at all and to give him a refund. I told him refunds can only be arranged by Viator and recommended he make sure to contact them and they would help him. This was the last I heard of him. I certainly got no message Gerald had changed his mind and was at the library ready to go. They never contacted me to tell me they wanted to do the hunt after all or were at the library, after i got the message they were not attending. I had taken his word that he was not attending. It is the guests responsibility to cancel on Viator if they want to their money back. I explained this twice. However if a guest tells me in writing they have decided not to attend I do take them at their word. I wish this review response allowed me to post screenshots of the text conversation.

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