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Планинарска авантура у Националном парку Роцки Моунтаин из Денвера

Национални парк Роцки Моунтаин, један од најпопуларнијих националних паркова у земљи, РМНП има успешну популацију дивљих животиња попут лосова, грабљивица и оваца. Током умереног пешачења од 4 миље, имаћете довољно пауза да уживате у задивљујућим погледима на планине. Уроните у самоћу природе и ми ћемо вас ипак вратити у центар града на време за срећни час. Резервишите своју авантуру у Националном парку Роцки Моунтаин данас!<бр><бр>Наши водичи су изузетно искусни у планинском окружењу. Безбедност је наш приоритет број један, а промене плана пута у последњем тренутку могу бити неопходне ако сматрамо да постоје несигурни услови. Гарантујемо да ће свака турнеја коју кренете са нама бити незаборавно искуство!<бр><бр>
Цити: Денвер
Thu 24 Oct
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Са почетком у $129.00
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $129.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст је 8 година<ли> Доступна је вегетаријанска опција, ако је потребно обавестите у време резервације.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците на одговарајући начин.<ли>Ово је умерено планинарење на надморској висини које многим гостима може бити изазов. Ова тура се не препоручује особама које не вежбају редовно. Из поштовања према осталим гостима на турнеји, размислите о нашем обиласку Националног парка Роцки Моунтаин ако нисте сигурни да ли можете да испуните физичке услове. Наши водичи задржавају право да замоле госте да застану или се окрену током пешачења.<ли>Не можемо да гарантујемо конкретну стазу – бирали смо на основу дана, услова, гужве. <ли>Од новембра до априла топло се препоручује водоотпорне ципеле. Препоручују се и вунене чарапе. <ли>Могуће да постоје зимски временски услови у парку, молимо вас да се обучите адекватно за потенцијално снежне услове и ниске температуре.
Шта да очекујете
Денвер Унион Статион
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Национални парк Роцки Моунтаин
Пешачење са водичем у Националном парку Роцки Моунтаин.
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Коментара (369)
Nov 2021
We were visiting Denver for a long weekend and decided to go on this excursion. Absolutely did not disappoint. The pick up was super easy and without issues. Our Guide, Mike, was fantastic from the beginning to the end. We were a group of 8 people with varying levels of activity and Mike accommodated everyone. Mike is very knowledgeable and definitely caters to the individual needs of the group. One thing to note is that if you are staying in the Denver downtown area the temperature in the mountains is 10-15 degrees colder. Be sure to have some extra layers for the hike. Consider checking the temperatures in Estes Park to be sure. The drive out was about an hour and a half with a stop in a neat little town for coffee along the way. When we got to the park our guide went over all the information and on our way we went. We were surprised with a good bit of snow and wind, but it added to the amazing beauty of the park. Also note the lunch was delicious! The fantastic handmade sandwiches from a bakery we picked up on the way out to the park. The excursion was amazing and everyone had a great time. Definitely recommend this for anyone staying in Denver.
Linda M
Nov 2021
I’m in my late 50s —not a gym rat but just a casual weekend hiker — was in the area for a conference by myself, and not familiar enough with the Rockies to hike alone. I wanted a guided hike with a small group. This was perfect. Two short stops on the way gave us a chance to get extra snacks and buy/rent any gear we were missing (even coats, gloves, hats, and hiking boots). Ryan, our guide, was a deeply experienced and highly qualified naturalist who not only knew the geology, birds, mammals, plants and trees of the area, but was able to convey information with enthusiasm and terrific story-telling skills that kept everyone entertained on the drive from Denver and on our (thankfully) frequent rest stops on the trail. (Ask him about his Peace Corps experience in Ecuador, or about how he rescued Bald Eagle eggs harmed by DDT, or about living in Panama, or about training guides in Patagonia.) On the way, we had amazing mountain views framed by stands of aspen, Ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, and Lodge Pole pines. The mountain weather is so local and variable that we drove through falling snow and brilliant sun. Ryan also was confident enough to make the call that his original choice of trails would not be safe and appropriate given the weather conditions and an unforeseen equipment shortage, and so he quickly pivoted and drove us to another more suitable trail — something I would never have known to do on my own. He put safety first, which was awesome. And instead of hiking in the snow, he found a trail in the sun! The Gem Lake trail at Lumpy Ridge was absolutely lovely with spectacular views all the way, and just challenging enough for a middle-aged casual-hiker flat-lander unused to the altitude. (It is a 1.7 mile uphill switchback trail with lots of steps and rocks, but no scary exposure). Lunch (the tour provided a great sandwich from Legrain Market in Lyman) at the lake brought a chance to absorb the calm and beauty and ever-changing light. On our return to Denver, Ryan gave us great information about local bars and restaurants. Throughout the day, he also made genuine efforts to connect with each of us, creating an easy sense of community in our little group of 9 strangers. We spotted prairie dogs, mule deer, several species of mountain birds (pygmy nuthatch, Townsend’s Solitaire, Mountain Chickadee, ravens) and the highlight of the day: an amazing display of elk at very close range practicing their fencing skills for the spring rut. It was a fabulous day and a great break from the conference hotel!
Nov 2021
This was a well organized trip. Got to see the Rocky Mountain National Park and lovely nearby towns on Nov 5, 2021 Hiked in Rocky Mt National Part for a round trip of about 3.6 miles with an elevation gain of over 1000ft. The hike started at an elevation of about 8000ft Our tour guide Ryan, was excellent and safety of the hikers was a paramount feature especially when we encountered ice on the trail He was punctual. The tour started and ended at Union station

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