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Цити: Napa & Sonoma
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $412.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $412.00
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Коментара (30)
May 2017
We wanted more than just wine tours so in the morning we hiked to a waterfall! We LOVED it. Afterwards was checking out adorable wineries and tasting some of the finest wine in Napa valley. Tyler customized the trip for my sister and I. Since there wasn't anyone else we got to do exactly what we wanted and it wasnt much more $ than a big 20 person tour and so worth it. If I come back with my husband I'll be calling napa native again.
James M
Mar 2017
All I can say is WOW. I have been to Napa 2 other times and this one was by far my favorite and it is large part in thanks to Tyler. It started with the passion and enthusiasm he showed right from the start of emailing each other. He couldn't wait to help my wife and I plan and get to know us for a personal experience of the types of places we wanted to go. He is born and raised in the area, so knows a lot about the Valley and even makes his own wine. We wanted to go to small boutique estate vineyards for a personal tasting experience of wines we couldn't find anywhere else. Tyler knew the spots and the people running them, so we got top notch experiences the whole time. The educational conversation in the car was the perfect compliment to trying delicious wines all day. He also knows some great hiking trails that we did in the morning before the wine tasting began which made for a well rounded experience. He also takes some amazing pics the whole day, touches them up and sends to you right after your trip. I have attached a few here for you. Thank you Tyler for a great day! Whenever we come back to Napa, we are calling you for sure and hope to visit and try your wine in the future. You should 100% book Tyler if you want a local view of Napa Valley.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2017
Jim, Thank you for the review! I had a blast with you two and I hope you come back again soon!
Sep 2016
I rarely write reviews but I had to because I had the best experience with Napa Native Wine Tours. It definitely showed that Tyler took extra care to plan and prepare for our experience. The itinerary was exactly what we were looking for in our Napa Valley experience. From a morning hike in Napa, and then wine tour at an exclusive winery, to another wine experience in Sonoma, this local was the best. His knowledge of the Valleys and wine was breathtaking. I highly recommend Napa Native Wine Tours for your experience - and if you don't know what your experience is, Tyler will help guide you and you will not be disappointed. The extra touches of water, picnic, planned music, etc. were perfect. I could not have asked for anything more. Well worth it. - Andrea - 09.25.16

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