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Историјска бициклистичка тура у Тусону

Уроните у живописне барије, од старих тврђава до модерне уметности. Бициклирајте мирним авенијама обложеним ћерпићем. Доживите најбоље од историјског, необичног и бициклистичког Тусона на 2 до 2½ сата вођеној бициклистичкој тури. Возите се око 8 равних миља на опуштеном месту, у малој групи (максимално 8), са локалним познаваоцем.
Цити: Туцсон
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $73.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $73.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Флаширана вода
Употреба бицикла и кациге
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Јахачи морају бити високи 4'8" до 6'6" (142-198цм) . Препоручује се 5' и више. Максимална тежина 260 лбс.<ли>Молим без ципела са отвореним прстима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Осим опционог заустављања у купатилу, ова активност је 100% на отвореном.
Шта да очекујете
Музеј саобраћаја јужне Аризоне
Историјска железничка станица Јужног Пацифика
Музеј уметности Тусона и историјски блок
Срце четврти Ел Пресидио.
Суд округа Пима
Можда најлепша зграда у Тусону
Катедрала Светог Августина
Духовно средиште града.
Светиште Ел Тирадито
Знаменитост Баррио Виејо
Мерцадо Сан Агустин
Забава, отворени простор.
Стаза реке Санта Круз
Кратка вожња бициклистичком стазом дужине 55 миља.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (390)
Gary F
Oct 2015
We recently enjoyed a Sunday morning bike tour with Jimmy, the business owner. Our tour included visiting many interesting sites that make Tucson special. From the Rattlesnake Bridge (that really rattles) to the Garden of Gethsemane, sculpted by a WWI vet, we visited over 20 different Tucson originals. The entire experience is highly recommended and worth the reasonable fee. Before the tour, we were provided with clear directions for finding the Tour, parking, what to wear, etc. Our tour guide also provided us with clear directions as to how to bike with him in a group, rules of the road, etc., so that there were no concerns for us, occasional bikers. The biking was easy, and the pace was comfortable, with many stops along the three-hour route. We biked Sunday morning and there was very little car traffic on the roads. During the tour, Jimmy displayed a thorough knowledge of the downtown area, including Tucson history and little known items. He had a book with additional information and maps that he would pull out and reference to provide us with more detailed information as to what we were looking at, and samples of music to play. We have highly recommended this tour to our local friends, and will recommend to our winter visitors.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2015
I'm glad you enjoyed the tour! I enjoy leading them. It's great that you had an easy time finding our location. I put some effort into describing how to find us with enough detail, yet making it as concise as possible. I love my location in the heart of the 4th Avenue Shopping District, near cool places like Public Brewhouse and The Coronet, but I try to explain that Hoff Avenue is really just an alley, not a major street. Thanks for the review!
Oct 2015
You would think we were doomed from the start. We had to pick the hottest day of our vacation to bike thru scenic Tucson. At a balmy 101 degrees (October 1) we didn't even break a sweat! Jimmy was the best tour guide ever!!! We've been to Tucson many times over the last 20 years but have never seen the city quite like this. We learned soooo much about the various neighborhoods, architecture and culture of the city. This is a must if you want to learn about the history of Tucson in a fun way. Looking forward to coming back to try the evening ride! Thank you, Jimmy!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2015
Yep, we had a hot October this year for the first half. On those really hot days the morning tour and night tour are still very enjoyable. The mornings are cooler, so for most the tour it feels rather comfortable. Glad you enjoyed the tour. I enjoyed riding with you!
Jun 2015
I'm from NYC and am normally terrified of riding a bike through the streets. Tucson is super bike friendly. Streets are wide, there's hardly any cars on the streets in the mornings and the tour is almost all flat terrain. You won't get very tired at all, and the amount you can see on a bike is so great, you appreciate the South West in an entirely different way. I ended up on the tour by myself, but Jimmy was so cool, easy to talk to, informative and friendly and made it one of my favorite experiences in Tucson.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2015
Whoops, I forgot to respond to your review. I'm glad that you enjoyed the ride! Thanks for pointing out that the tour is suitable for just about anyone.

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