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Пешачка тура са водичем кроз историјски Мемфис

Овај двосатни пешачки обилазак Мемфиса истражује богату историју града забавним и лежерним темпом. Истражићете историјски Цоттон Ров и Цоурт Скуаре, љупко и историјско срце Мемфиса из 19. века; уживајте у фантастичном погледу на реку Мисисипи; и слушајте фасцинантне приче о побуњеницима током грађанског рата, као и о кријумчарима из доба прохибиције. Такође ћете доживети временску традицију Мемфиса, чувени Марш патака у хотелу Тхе Пеабоди. Ова тура је погодна за целу породицу.
Цити: Мемпхис
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $27.44
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Унутар неколико блокова налазе се четири различите гараже и неколико паркинга на отвореном. Најближа гаража нашој локацији (само два блока даље) је на адреси 149 Пеабоди Плаце између Сецонд Стреет и ББ Кинг Блвд., поред Хамптон Инн-а. Можете окушати срећу и са паркирањем на улици, такође, у Другој улици јужно од Беалеа; на Билу између Фронта и Другог; или дуж Пеабоди Плаце од Фронта до Четврте улице.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Гости се препоручују (али нису обавезни ) да носе маске за лице на сваком обиласку.
Шта да очекујете
Беале Стреет
Турнеја почиње у историјској улици Беале, Дому блуза, код Алфреда на Билу
Дворски трг
Историја једног од најстаријих и најлепших паркова у Мемфису
Цонфедерате Парк
Историја грађанског рата битке за Мемфис 1862
Тхе Пеабоди Дуцкс
Историја јужног Гранд хотела и марша паткица Пеабоди
Река Мисисипи
Историја и значај реке Мисисипи
Музеј памука на берзи памука у Мемфису
Историја берзе памука и историјског реда памука
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Коментара (246)
Charles M
Apr 2018

It was a record low of 34 degrees with wind chill down to 23 degrees this morning. We were going to cancel, but we met our guide, Mike, and the tour folks arranged for a bus to take us uptown instead of walking. By dodging into several hotels, we were able to complete the trip, cold but completely satisfied. Mike was outstanding. He has a ready smile and gave Memphis history a bright side. Don't miss this trip, it is worth every penny.

Mar 2018

This is a must while in Memphis. Kathy was an outstanding tour guide, who, not only pointed out historical landmarks, but had additional stories to add.

Nov 2017
I took the Historic Walking Tour through Memphis on short notice. Initially, I wanted to see the sights on my own, but just felt like getting professional input on history of the town. Honestly, it was the worst tour I have ever done. To start, I don’t even know who I dealt with as the elderly man with chapeau did not introduce himself by name - I just assumed it would be him because he stood in front of the office. He just waited for all passengers and started walking. The only introduction started with the "joke" if anybody of non-tipping countries would be participating. - Great, an instant reminder of "you better tip me". He advised the actual walking tour would start somewhere else. So we walked almost quietly the first 10-15 minutes of the tour to Court Square. He mentioned he would be saying something about the area on the way later on. -> Then why did we not meet up at Court Square in the first time so actually make use of the scheduled time? Waste of time! The only thing he mentioned was the Police Officer (POC) that was in charge during Civil Rights Movements and that he always wondered how he felt. -> People would actually like to know the answer. He was living his whole life (meaning probably over 50 years) in Memphis and not once mentioned to talk to this officer and make the contact? Wow! That’s a shame! If you don’t have an answer, then please just don’t give out that information at all. The information he gave were absolutely unsubstantial. No general historical overview about Memphis. Bits and pieces here and there only sugarcoated with little anecdotes. When participants asked questions he could not really answer and vaguely covered up the non-existent knowledge about his own city (he often mentioned how this is HIS city and he would be so proud to live there. Well.. doesn’t know much from what it seems). The one sure information that was always given was his personal opinion about the political situation that varied depending on looks in travelers faces. Once he was pro taking down confederate statues, once he was against it. In any case: this is not something that should be brought into a tourist walking tour. Any kind of these information should be objective! Especially in a time like this. Subjectivity is absolutely out of place. The tour schedule noted to see the Peabody Duck March. He made it very clear when asking how important this was to us, that he actually does not want to see them or is interested in showing them. Some wanted to see it, so we went to his “secret spot” that apparently he had reserved so we can see better. It was simply the Mezzanine – nothing reserved, packed with other people of a private event. Also, we never saw any “Panoramic rooftop views of the city”. I was not the only person thinking like that. Some other participants that I met later on in other museums felt the same. In the end I felt obligated to tip even though it was very much not deserved. He also didn’t properly end the tour or said “good bye”. Simply just that he will be waiting outside for the next tour. It was unprofessional and not well prepared. And I am giving this harsh evaluation as I am working in tourism myself and know what good guides actually can be capable of and what a well prepared, profound tour looks like even with bringing in personal, fun stories! I wish I had not spend that money! Safe your time and money and just go, see it on your own.

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