ILuminate puts on a fun show with a really big presence for such a small troupe. The venue at the Strat gets reasonably dark and works pretty well for EL wire/LED dance costumes, and I really enjoyed their matinee—even if I couldn’t understand whatever passed for a plot arc at all. But with a dance show, that doesn’t matter much. I especially liked they had Saturday matinees available, and that turned out to be a perfect time to go see them.
My only disappointment was specific to my showing--I'm not sure if it was a VIP seating or what, but they had a woman and a child with flashing LED hats sitting in the very front table at the very center of the stage, and nobody asked them to shut off their hats. In a light show, allowing flashing LEDs by center stage was absolutely unacceptable--especially since the performers go into the audience with house lights partially on and comparatively dim EL wire costumes that were not brighter than the hat. This nearly cost them half their stars instead of consuming half the review instead.
However, I'm going to assume that's not normal, and that getting such a lame lapse of judgment called out in one of their very few reviews might make their staff reconsider this sort of thing in the future, and I will review them solely on talent for 5 well-deserved stars by the performers.
But If you see a second review calling this sort of thing out, though, consider this a 2-3 star review with a heck of a warning: the show is extremely good, but if their staff's judgment is always that bad, I wouldn't take the chance.