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Цити: Кеи Вест
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $139.70
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $139.70
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Коментара (422)
Kevin M
Jan 2018

I need to be honest about this, I wasnt very impressed at all. The weather was not great for being on the water with the wind up around 20 mph and it was pretty chilly too. The water was choppy for snorkeling and once you got in the water, you were doomed to be cold in the wind when you got out. The boat drove us out for 30 minutes or so and then dropped us off. I expected to see something noteworthy since we drove out so far, but honestly we were snorkeling on a shallow mud flat with some garbage piles someone had illegally created to catch lobsters.... not a pretty reef or even anything worthwhile. We saw a few pale grey fish and some sponges covered in mud and thats about it. The kayaking portion was OK, but very short at least I thought so, I was hoping for a workout to get some exercise. On the plus size, my new companion and I make a great kayaking team and she even complimented that was fun because she didnt feel the need to kill me for paddling wrong lol... also I was very surprised by how well the kayaks tracked in the wind, much better than I had expected. The boat we went out on was also very stable and no one got seasick even in that wind, and I was impressed by that. Personally I was disappointed overall, but it was awesome to get out on the ocean and to see the real Key West and not the tourist trap downtown.

Nov 2017
We bought tickets the night before and turned up early (about 9am) to board our boat. Our skipper was friendly and knowledgeable. There were about 10 - 12 of us on the trip. We motored our for about a couple of hours and then he set anchor and we got to snorkel for as long as we liked. I'm not a super keen snorkeler (worried about inhaling water) but we got to see loads of fish and the water was easy to snorkel in. Then we ate a brunch provided by the captain and his crew and moved onto a sandbank close to a mangrove island. This was super cool, where we climbed off the boat and stood in the middle of the ocean ion crystal clear waters that were warm. Such cool photos. The crew got off their kayaks and we set off towards the mangrove island. We were not allowed onto the island (they are protected) but got to kayak around it for an hour or so. Paddleboards were offered too. Then back on the boat and back to dry land. Total time around 4 + hours. $98 per person.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2017
Hello frugalshopper, Thanks so much for taking the time to review our Fury Island Adventure and for choosing Fury Water Adventures! Our 4.5 hour Fury island Adventure offers 2 daily departures with the 2nd departure including the world famous Key West sunset on the way back to the dock. This eco-adventure includes upgraded catering and beverages, snorkeling in the Gulf, guided kayak tour of the mangroves and lots of relax time on a sandbar (shallow water location). Again, thanks so much for the excellent review and we hope to have you aboard again soon! Fury Water Adventures
Rick H
Aug 2017

This adventure with FURY was so much fun. The Captain was very knowledgeable about the bay and provided lots of interesting tidbits about the area. We took off to snorkel first and partway out, he slowed the boat so we could watch a pod of dolphins play in the water. We had 45 minutes to snorkel over the coral reef, which is always interesting. We returned to a sand bar in the middle of the bay with water about 3' - 4' deep, just perfect for kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming and enjoying adult libations. As I was paddle boarding, the dolphins returned and one jumped out of the water 20' away. No picture to prove it but the memory is awesome! We enjoyed a cold cut dinner on board, before returning to cruise in front of Mallory Square then circle around to watch the fantastic Key West sunset. This was a wonderful 5 hours on the water that I highly recommend.

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