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Сцениц Флоат Трип Натионал Парк Јацксон Холе Гранд Тетон

Путовања пловком Јацксон Холе у ​​Националном парку Гранд Тетон од Пацифиц Цреека до Деад Ман'с Бара на реци Снаке Ривер је опуштајући део реке који се мање путује далеко од гужве у центру Џексона и у горњем делу реке Снаке у оквиру Гранд Тетон Натионала. Парк..
Цити: Јацксон
Thu 13 Mar
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Thu 13 Mar
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Гранд Тетон
Путници ће упознати и доживети најстарији ранч у Џексон Холу и бити уроњени у историју Дивљег запада. Затим ћемо отићи са ранча и отпутовати у северни део реке Снаке где ћемо бити наш Сцениц Флоат. Након неколико сати опуштајућег разгледања, искрцаћемо се и вратити се на ранч који завршава у Буффало Валлеи Цафе-у где су гости позвани на ручак.
Хеарт 6 Ранцх јахање
Путници ће доживети сликовити део реке Снаке и дивље животиње и лепоту Гранд Тетонса. Путници су такође позвани да лутају ранчом Хеарт Сик и Ранцхом Буффало Валлеи и посете један од наших ресторана.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (6)
Oct 2022
Jackson Hole Grand Teton National Park Scenic Float Trips are run through the Heart Six Ranch in Moran, WY. My wife and I were among the seven passengers taking this trip in mid-September 2022. As guests of the Ranch, we were instructed upon check-in to be at the café at 7:45 the morning of our float trip. Our first clue that things weren’t going to be ideal was that we didn’t get going until after 9:00 a.m. without much explanation or communication with the passengers. Once on the water, our guide was curiously non-responsive and almost brusque, never volunteering information about the area and answering guest questions with one or two words. Several guests tried to engage him during the 3-hour trip, but could only elicit the most basic responses. Frankly, it made everything feel a little awkward. To be fair, our guide had the requisite technical skill, getting us in and out of the float boat without us getting wet, and adeptly and gently turning the boat so that all the passengers could get a clear view of all the beautiful sights along the Snake River. And, he did point out what little wildlife we saw, a bald eagle in a tree and a golden eagle flying overhead. The scenery was enchanting, and the ride itself was quiet and relaxing. It’s just a shame that the most animated and enthusiastic our guide was that day was when I tipped him after the trip; I guess I should at least feel good about him appreciating that gesture. We really enjoyed much of this float trip; it’s just a shame that an unenthusiastic guide and mediocre communication with guests kept this exceptional opportunity from being anything more than an average experience.
Sep 2022
The scenery was spectacular, unsurpassed. Tour began an hour late without explanation other than watching guide spending hour bailing water out of boat from rain night before. Guide was worst ever, not one word for 3 Hrs, Unless guest asked question and then barely got a 1 or 2 word answer. No information and no animals sighted. Lovely peaceful float beautiful scenery but poor guide and customer service. Our worst visitor tour ever by far. All 5 members in our party agreed.
Jun 2022
We had great weather for the day. The staff was nice and equipment well kept. Our guide was full of stories, literally - take everything he says with a grain of salt 😉. There is no rapids, but plenty of views of the Tetons and some wildlife.

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