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Јахање Јацксон Холе у ​​националној шуми Бриџер-Тетон

Излети на јахању са професионалним и искусним водичима са најближим и најбољим погледом на Гранд Тетон. Нудимо вожњу од 2 и 4 сата заједно са вожњом на вечери кроз величанствену лепоту Националне шуме Бриџер-Тетон. Доживећете невероватан поглед на планине Гранд Тетон док се пењете све више и више кроз дивље цвеће и гајеве Аспен Трее. Деца морају имати најмање 6 година да би се возили јер је безбедност наша примарна брига. Препоручујемо шлемове који су бесплатни.
Цити: Јацксон
Fri 08 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $88.00
Fri 08 Nov
Са почетком у $88.00
Шта је укључено
Смештај према плану пута
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се за трудне путнице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре заказаног времена вожње.<ли>Ако имате посебне дијететске потребе, понесите своју храну. испуните ове захтеве.<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Јахање у широм отвореним националним шумама и парковима. Аутоматско социјално дистанцирање и доста свежег ваздуха на нашим коњима и стазама. Ту су и столови за пикник који су лако доступни далеко од других путника ако желите да се удаљите од других док чекате своју јахање.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (326)
Jun 2022
The owner of this ranch is the rudest person I have ever encountered when booking vacation excursions and tours. First off, there was no communication from the vendor prior to arrival. The weather forecast for our riding date called for thunderstorms and hail (the same weather system that closed Yellowstone the following day) I called the ranch the day before to see if the trip was still on and ask questions. The phone was answered by a very rude individual who said, rain or shine, no cancellations, no refunds and then hung up on me. No one in my family have ever ridden a horse and I was concerned about our safety in the rain being inexperienced riders. A Google search of reviews did not ease my anxiety as many were not favorable in regards to safe practices. I emailed the ranch expressing my concerns and I received a canned answer from the attorney who I later learned is the owner. A couple of messages back and forth messages with the attorney/owner were just rude and not at all helpful. He could very easily eased some of my anxiety by explaining safety practices, what we would experience on the ride but instead he made me more apprehensive by his rude and threatening demeanor. Upon arrival there was no designated meeting area (would have been nice to have that in a pre arrival communication) We spoke to several of the young people who work there and they put my mind at ease- they were sympathetic and they answered my questions professionally and explained what to expect The weather actually cleared up for our ride and because of the professional young people we saddled up. We really did enjoy our ride. The views were beautiful. Our guide was knowledgeable and you could tell that she really loves horses and this job. If the attorney/owner was pleasant and helpful and like his employees I would have given this experience 5 stars and recommend it to others. The owner could stand to learn how to communicate with his paying customers in a way that makes them feel safe and comfortable; not like they will be sued for asking a question about their safety. Kindness goes a long way. There are plenty of other places to ride horses in the area; this is not the place I will recommend to friends and clients-all because of the interaction with the owner.
Jun 2022
Unmatched scenery. Thoughtful, kind and knowledgeable staff. Lifetime memories for our family of six!
Jun 2022
We were able to view beautiful scenery with wonderful people! The horses were well trained and better behaved than others we have ridden on in Indiana.

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