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Атентат на ЈФК и обилазак музеја са Лее Харвеи Освалд Рооминг Хоусе

Истражите Далас као никада раније на овој троипочасовној тури мале групе са превозом климатизованим комбијем. Путујте до Граси Кнола и злогласне вожње аутомобилом која је ушла у историју 22. новембра 1963. Многи људи се сећају дана када су чули вест о трагичном атентату на бившег председника Џона Ф. Кенедија док се возио кроз Далас. Убиство, за које се претпоставља да је извршио Ли Харви Освалд, једна је од нерешених мистерија нашег времена о којима се највише расправља и нагађа. Укључује Лее Харвеи Освалд Рооминг Хоусе.
Цити: Даллас
Wed 20 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $76.92
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $76.92
Шта је укључено
Коментар уживо на броду
Музеј шестог спрата
Лее Харвеи Освалд Рооминг Хоусе
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ова тура/активност ће имати максимално 13 путника у комбију. Први сат је пешачка тура и могло би да буде више људи у групи <ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима на јавним местима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Шта да очекујете
Јохн Ф. Кеннеди Мемориал Плаза
Меморијални трг Џона Ф. Кенедија је посвећен 24. јуна 1970. У годинама од тада, постао је саставни део градског пејзажа и културног наслеђа.
Деалеи Плаза Натионал Хисториц Ландмарк Дистрицт
Атентат, за који се претпоставља да га је извршио Ли Харви Освалд, једна је од нерешених мистерија нашег времена о којима се највише расправља и нагађа, одвешће вас у свет завере, где можете да гледате на Деалеи Плаза (Убиство ЈФК), Грасси Кнолл и Меморијал Кенедију.
Грасси Кнолл
Почните преузимањем са централно лоцираног места за преузимање и путујте до Граси Кнола и злогласне вожње аутомобилом која је ушла у историју 22. новембра 1963. Путујте до Граси Кнола и злогласне вожње аутомобилом која је ушла у историју 22. новембра 1963. године.
Музеј шестог спрата на Деалеи Плаза
Музеј шестог спрата у Деалеи Плаза налази се на шестом спрату зграде управе округа Даллас у центру Даласа у Тексасу, са погледом на Деалеи Плаза на раскрсници Елм-а и Хоустона.
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Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (822)
Oct 2019
I booked this tour through TripAdvisor. I received a confirmation number and everything looked in order. I showed up at the location Fun Tours said to be and at the correct time. After waiting until after my pick up time I called them and they said they never got the reservation, They blamed it on TripAdvisor, All they could say was sorry for your inconvenience. Said they would refund my money but we will see if it ever happens. I took the time to drive to downtown Dallas and then find parking only to have a no show. The people waiting there with me for another Fun Tour also had the same experience. They called and they pulled up in a van that was already underway for another tour and had them jump in. Not very professional and were unwilling to do other anything for me. Just said sorry. Do not go with this company, They look reputable on line, but multiple people had the same experience. Save yourself a lot of money and just do a do it yourself tour to the 6th Floor Museum for $18. It was very good and has more detail anyway. Stay away from this Tour, or should I say "lack of tour"
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
First and foremost, once again we want to apologize for your experience with our company. That being said, let's be adults and real, we apologized the day of and explained that the miscommunication was out of our hands, you booked through a third party company and unfortunately, that day we didn't receive a notification from our booking website on your reservation, as well as for 2 other guests. Therefore, since we did not know there were 2 other reservations, we had no idea we were going to be overbooked. Furthermore, I hope you understand things happen we've been in this business for 20+ yrs., where before I was doing things old school and booking reservations manually over the phone, now with the internet things are bound to happen and again I am sorry that it had to happen to you, but to reiterate it was an issue from a third-party and in no way portrays our work ethic and company standards. As you can see the thousands of 5-star reviews, they are real and from real guest, we hope to have assessed the issue and can assure you we will continue to grow and learn from instances like these. Best regards.
Oct 2019
This tour does not disappoint! DAN is the MAN, in a VAN, with a PLAN!! Lol!! Best tour guide!! If you’re worried that someone from this tour company types in all the reviews, know that this one is real and I was on the tour. Dan was so sensitive to making sure we had what we needed. There was an older woman who needed a wheelchair on the tour with us and he cared so much about meeting her needs and making sure that she enjoyed the tour as well. He was so full of extra info that you wouldn’t get by just walking around by yourself. Definitely well worth the money! Dan had to switch gears quickly when they were filming near the grassy knoll but he did it with professionalism and didn’t miss a beat. I never felt rushed or that any questions were stupid questions. Great tour all around! Very sad time in history but a very powerful tour.
Oct 2019
Asides from a slow start due to overbooking, nothing to do with the tour guide, it was a great tour and well worth the money. The tour guide just presented facts, no conspiracy theories. Guide was pleasant and enthusiastic with us about the tour. Glad we selected this tour.

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