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Обилазак ЈФК Ассассинатион са Освалд'с Рооминг Хоусе

Ваш искусни водич је ваш возач на овој 2-сатној тури мале групе. Погледајте места и поново доживите догађаје атентата. Видећете историјске Деалеи Плаза, Шести спрат и путовања Лија Харвија Освалда кобног дана 1963. Такође укључује јединствени обилазак Освалдове собе за спавање, баш као што је то било 1963. Биће стајалишта за сјајне успомене на фотографије дуж начин.<бр><бр>Придружите нам се док се враћамо у историју. Видећете и посетити популарне знаменитости и добити ретко увид у догађаје који су се одиграли у Даласу. Поново пратите путовања „атентатора“, Ли Харвија Освалда након атентата. Погледајте где је живео, радио и ухваћен.<бр><бр>Ограничавамо величину наше ЈФК турнеје да бисмо омогућили персонализованије искуство и омогућили постављање питања.<бр>
Цити: Даллас
Sun 12 Jan
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Са почетком у $55.38
Sun 12 Jan
Са почетком у $55.38
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Путницима обезбеђене маске за лице<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
Шта да очекујете
Деалеи Плаза Натионал Хисториц Ландмарк Дистрицт
Где је ЈФК упуцан.
Музеј шестог спрата на Деалеи Плаза
Прођите поред музеја, који се налази у згради бившег складишта школских књига у Тексасу, где су пронађени докази о снајперисти након убиства председника Кенедија.
Тексашко позориште
Освалд је овде ухваћен. Обилазак се може зауставити ако време и саобраћај дозвољавају.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (33)
Jan 2020
My husband & I had a wonderful tour with Rachel. She was so knowledgeable & a great tour guide. We would highly recommend her!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you for your review. We are glad we could share some of our city with you.
Jan 2020
We signed up for this tour just based on the online description and prior reviews and we couldn't have been happier. Rachel, our guide, met us at the meeting spot 15 minutes before the tour was scheduled to begin and since we were the only passengers that day in a small group tour, once we were all on board she began the tour. We not only saw all of the sights promised, we were treated like family along the way. Rachel made sure we knew all kinds of little tidbits about the sights and the history behind them, and she even pointed out things all along our route so we didn't miss anything. We really feel as though we got to know Dallas, and not just the JFK history, because of Rachel and this tour. The visit to Oswald's Rooming House was especially gripping and it is something I would highly recommend for anyone interested in the JFK Assassination history. We literally traced Oswald's steps from the time he crossed the threshhold of his boarding house to retrieve his .38 pistol until the time of his arrest. We felt like we saw everything. The tour culminated at the 6th Floor Museum at Dealy Plaza and that was well worth the time. Plan on spending at least 2 hours there. One caveat - while tickets were included to the 6th Floor museum with this tour, they are actually vouchers and need to be traded for timed entry tickets and we were only able to get tickets for a tour starting 2 hours after we arrived so plan accordingly. We opted to go the next day and it was a good plan since it gave us the rest of the day to do other things and reflect on what we had seen that day before visiting the museum. It made the museum that much more interesting. I couldn't recommend this tour more - everything was perfect. Rachel was a wonderful guide and the van was very comfortable and you could see everything as we drove along. The many stops were wonderful and Rachel made sure we had plenty of photo opportunities. If I could give this tour 6 stars, I would. Make this a must when you visit Dallas.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thank you for your review. We are glad that you enjoyed Dallas. We are always grateful when we hear that we are a part of making our city of Dallas more enjoyable. Rachel loves what she does and her passion shows in the quality of her tours. We will be working with the Sixth Floor Museum for a better option besides the entry vouchers, especially on their busier days.
Dec 2019
The tour was amazing and emotional! Rachel was our tour guide and was punctual in meeting us for the tour. She was very knowledgeable and enthusiastic in the relaying the history and details of the JFK assassination and took pictures of me and my boyfriend at various sites. She also added some additional stops including the metal sculptured cattle drive and some Bonnie and Clyde tidbits. I would highly recommend this tour!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
We are glad you enjoyed your tour. All of our guides have a passion for what they do and it shows in the quality of our tours. Thank you for your review.

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