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Крените на овај мали групни обилазак Националног парка Јосхуа Трее који се води узбудљивим затвореним Хамером, СУВ-ом или комбијем. Гледајте у задивљујуће искривљене стене које стварају невероватан пејзаж живих геолошки створених боја насупрот најплавијем небу у Калифорнији!<бр><бр>Ваш стручни водич ће вам осветлити ваше разумевање о томе како је овај пејзаж настао и поделиће приче о Индијанцима и досељеници који су овде живели. <бр><бр>Погледајте најпознатија и најфотографисанија места у парку, као и зауставите се на видиковцу одакле можете видети све до Мексика!<бр><бр>Ова тура ће посетити најпознатије локације у парк, укључујући легендарне џиновске громаде, сазнајте о силама раседа Сан Андреас које потресају пејзаж испод самог дрвета Џошуа. <бр><бр>РАСПОРЕД<бр><бр>Јутарњи обиласци:<бр><бр> 8 до 13 часова<бр>
Цити: палм Спрингс
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $189.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Обуците се у лагану одећу лети и слојевито зими. У високој пустињи је 20 до 30 степени хладније<ли>Носите удобне ципеле за ходање<ли>Важе минимални бројеви. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам понуђена алтернатива или потпуни повраћај новца. За вођење овог обиласка потребно је најмање 4 особе.<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли> ли><ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 је неопходна за водиче
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Јосхуа Трее
Пружамо вам информативни и забавни обилазак Џошуа Трее-а са једним од наших професионалних геолошких водича. Ићи ћемо неким путевима где је потребан 4к4 где ће мало људи икада видети. Водимо вас и до најфотографисанијих места у парку и прошетате подручјем где можете пронаћи индијске пећинске цртеже, па чак и стару брану коју су давно прошли каубоји.
Цап Роцк Траил
Истражите са својим водичем огромне стенске формације изложене на површини Земље које су произвеле саме силе раседа Сан Андреас миљама испод. Овде се чини да стене несигурно балансирају једна на другу у борби између гравитације и подземних сила. Овде се прави 30-минутна опциона шетња са водичем.
Раскрсница Роцк
Ова култна стенска формација једно је од најпопуларнијих места у парку за пењаче. Гледајте пењаче док изазивају опасности треће димензије.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (85)
Sep 2019
We were 4 adults and 2 infants looking for a guided tour into Joshua Tree National Park. I spoke with Bill who was very accommodating over the phone to work out a private tour for us in an AC H2 Hummer that we could fit 2 car seats in. Josh was our tour guide and driver and he was awesome! From arriving early to remembering our names and our babies names, he was full of knowledge while always looking out for wildlife to point out to us along our tour. He was very accommodating and patient with us as he stopped in great spots for us to take our babies out of their car seats, walk around and take pictures of us. Although we brought a cooler bag of water and snacks, he also had extra water for us. It was great to have a tour guide who was well prepared, super friendly and taught us about Joshua Tree National Park. We loved our experience, thanks again Josh and Bill!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
What a super family outing! Thanks for choosing Adventure Hummer Tours. The best family times are spent in nature. Thanks for the review.
Aug 2019
We chose Adventure Hummer because we wanted an adventurous way to visit the park and wanted to pay attention to the surroundings instead of the road. The website was informative and had a good variety of pictures to get an overview of what to expect. We felt like the Hummer would get us in and around the park without a chance of getting lost. We needed to speak to the office to ask specific questions and was able to get that done without leaving a message. The reservation process was easy. There was a problem with our reservation which the office fixed, but we recommend following up to confirm before your tour. We were picked up at our hotel and was greeted by our guide Louis. He was very friendly and prepared to take us out to the park. The Hummer is very big and he offered us a step ladder to get in. He had plenty of water and snacks in the truck. The truck was roomy and clean including the windows with cool AC running inside. Louis began talking with us right away and we felt very comfortable with him. He was a long time resident of Palm Springs and served as a firefighter. He was well acquainted with the area and knew so much about history, natural environment and points of interest. Louis was so mindful of us when were outside of the Hummer. It appeared he was just leading the way, but he was actually visually scanning the pathways for snakes and other hazards in the environment. I felt very safe when following in his footsteps. He had a genuine appreciation for the park and even answered questions from others that passed by. We had an opportunity for a view into the valley but it was closed due to bees, but Louis offered us another viewing spot if we could be a little flexible. The view from Eureka Point was breath taking and we were glad Louis suggested it. He accommodated us for bathroom breaks, photos and even a gift shop stop. Louis made every effort to see that our tour was memorable. He left us with a poem about Teddy Bear Cholla (Choyah)cactus and a couple of new plants like the paper bag bush and the “wait a minute” bush. You can ask him about those. We highly recommend this tour and if you can get Louis you’ll love him.
Aug 2019
Our driver, and guide, Josh picked us up from our hotel on time as arranged. We set off for the San Andreas Fault, and thereafter the Joshua Tree National Park. Josh was a veritable mine of information about the wildlife and geography of the park. He was particularly interesting on the fascinating rock formations that litter the park. He had a keen eye, and was able to point out various birds and wildlife long before we had seen them. At dusk we even had our first encounter with a rattlesnake. Thankfully that was from the safety of the Hummer. It is safe to say that we saw, and learnt, things that would have passed us by had we simply driven into the park by ourselves. After many hours, we ended up at the Joshua Tree Saloon, a local institution, for a welcome supper. I arranged this trip from England, before we arrived in Palm Springs. I dealt with Bill, who was as helpful as could be. I can not recommend Adventure Hummer Tours highly enough. We will certainly use them again, the next time we visit Palm Springs.

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