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Ка Моана Луау

Будите сведоци невероватној награђиваној продукцији и шоу који почиње ватром и завршава се са више плесачица са ватреним ножем, за разлику од било чега другог! Уживајте у краткој, али прелепој вожњи до Ка Моана Луауа. Поглед на океан који одузима дах, интерактивне активности за госте и невероватан локални стил – све што можете да једете на бази шведског стола. Савршен луау за целу породицу! <бр><бр>2023 АЖУРИРАЊА:<бр>Ка Моана Луау ће се преселити на нову, погоднију локацију у Алоха Товеру од 2. јануара 2023. Посетите нашу веб страницу за додатне детаље и информације о побољшањима искуства Луʻау доносимо вам 2023.
Цити: Хонолулу
Sun 17 Nov
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Са почетком у $135.08
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $135.08
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Ваиманало<бр>41-202 Каланианаоле Хви, Сеа лифе Парк
Хвала вам што сте резервисали најтоплији луау на Хавајима!
Резервације: +1 (808) 926-3800
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Шта да очекујете
Ка Моана Луау
Пријава: 16:45, врата се отварају у 17:30 Културне активности: • Демонстрација пењања на кокосово дрво • Демонстрација паљења ватре • Израда леја • Час хула • Кокосово ткање трака за главу Уживајте у вечери у стилу острва! • Мешана зелена салата • Свеже резано воће • Ломи ломи лосос • Хавајске слатке ролнице • Традиционални Пои узорци • Поврће кувано на пари • Парени бели пиринач • Цхов Меин резанци • Хули Хули пилетина • Калуа свињетина • Разни сезонски десерти *Бесплатна пића: кафа, топли чај, воћни пунч *Вино, пиво и тропски коктели доступни су за куповину или са укљученим улазницама за пиће у Тики бару. Након вечере гости уживају у награђиваној продукцији, наглашавајући живахну традицију Хаваја и Полинезије! Наша емисија води кроз Полинезију у авантуру тражења пута, а ваше искуство кулминира плесом полинезијског мача ватре!
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (459)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jul 2022
This luau was great, highly recommend! Beautiful view, good food, and awesome show! Shout out to Roddy, he has a beautiful voice and is so kind!
Jul 2022
Failed to communicate pickup location and time. Had to Uber to the location even though I paid for pick up. Therefore my family arrived late. Receptionist were rude and non caring of our situation. Seating was too crowded The entertainment was wonderful. Would have been a good experience had the transportation been clear. Very unfortunate for the money spent.
Jul 2022
I did not really enjoy this luau. Expectations vs Reality were way off. First it is quick quick quick and too many people for that.  Its like they have a set schedule with no regards for the fact the buffet lines are really long (they KNOW bc I read the reviews before I booked about how long the buffet lines are. I booked anyway bc I wasnt expecting to have to try and eat my food, watch show at same time) . Instead of adjusting the show a few minutes, it's go go go. To make matters worse with this, It says 3 hours. It is not. Ours ended at 730 thats two hours and for the price, where is the third hour? On top of the fact that this more than accommodated the need to slow down so everyone could eat and enjoy the show. I was last in line for the buffet. By the time I got there it was scraps. They made a big show of the pig and pulling it off the fire and walking around with it and when I got up there scraps. I had a pinch of pork, less than a handful of noodles as there were none really left. Lots of rice left. A few pieces of chicken. Since they included it in the show and make a big to do about it, the least they could have done (and i mean very least considering how things were set up) is to have a carving station for the pig only so everyone can have some.  I did not know lei making and banana leaf crowns were apart of it. Both people were pretty short with me borderline rude. Banana crown man was making banter with others, with me he just showed me how to braid and thats it and thats fine but not by how he was interacting with other. The Lei woman was especially just rude. She ignored me so I listened in while she explained to others what to do. I picked out my 6 flowers and put them on the table. As she was still ignoring me I asked if I could have a needle and her curt reply with an attitude in her voice was "YOU HAVE TO. PICK 6 FLOWERS!" I pointed to my flowers on the table and she handed me the needle. As she didnt explain the process to me, as she was trying to tie it on she kept moving my wrist and finally ..again with an attitude said "PALMS UP!". The nicest people were the ones walking around asking if everything was ok (i should have told the truth) and the picture people who stop you from taking a picture of the mountain in the background. Why? Because that is their picture spot to charge you for it. (PLEASE SKIP THIS!) There is a lookout point just up the street with incredible views of not just the mountain. At any rate they were nice about saying no pictures right there.  It was very crowded. I enjoyed the fire dancing. Was very confused about the show. As a woman at my table pointed out its seemed like a Hollywood production of Polynesian culture. Like it was just welcome our cousins form Samoa, from Fiji from this island that island but it was all the same people in different costumes doing different dances.  Again just very confused. I thought it was going to be about Hawaiian culture. LASTLY do not take a lyft or uber there. NOBODY IS COMING TO PICK YOU UP way out there!!. I did this and nobody was coming! Thankfully there was a large party who had also done the same and the shuttle drivers noticed and accommodated all of us on the shuttles for a nominal fee. Overall I just would not recommend this place if you want to experience a luau. I have no suggestions as in my research there all only 3 luaus on this island. One is in a mall, the other one does not let you book for under 2 people (i was a solo traveler) and this one. I say skip it. It is not worth the price, time or location and do an island tour instead to get a good grasp of Oahu.

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