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Зашто одабрати Кенаи Дрифт Англерс? Са преко 200 водича имате пуно опција на полуострву Кенаи. Специјализовани смо за прилагођене чартере риболова како бисмо надмашили ваше искуство риболова на Аљасци. Наш чамац је потпуно јединствен са грејаним седиштима, а распоред је прилагођен да подржава највећи "плесни подијум" за борбу против лососа и пастрмке Кенаи Ривер. Такође користимо највишу оцењену опрему за наше клијенте. Кенаи Дрифт Англерс нема ложу са особљем и много водича, више волимо да будемо мали да бисмо могли да задовољимо ваше потребе. Када пецате са нама, ви заправо пецате са нама. Многе одеће ће уговорити путовања јер смо изузетно заузети. Кенаи Дрифт Англерс ограничава количину путовања тако да вам можемо гарантовати најбоље риболовно искуство.
Цити: Солдотна
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $350.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $350.00
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Коментара (52)
Sep 2022
We had a great time with Scott and Chris. Scott was very responsive to all questions before the trip and Chris was extremely patient.
Aug 2022
If there’s one place that you should go salmon fishing in the US, it’s the Kenai River in Alaska. If you’re fishing the Kenai River in Alaska, you want to book Kenai Drift Anglers. Eight months earlier we did all our research and booked Kenai Drift Anglers. Eight months later, we’re standing in the glacial waters of the Kenai River flossing for salmon. What? You never heard about flossing as a fishing technique. Me neither but our guide, Scotty, explained this unique fishing method. We were targeting Sockeye salmon, hoping to catch the last run of the season in mid-August. Scotty explained to us that Sockeye swim upriver to spawn and they swim with their mouth open. You basically cast your line perpendicular to the current, cast at noon as Scotty explains. Then, while the rod tip is pointed down, slowly sweep your rod tip to about the three o’clock position to a count of three. Just before reaching the three o’clock position, increase the speed to set the hook. It’s crazy to think that tossing a hook at the end of a line, without bait, into a fast-moving river and hoping that a fish swims by with its mouth open and somehow bumps into the line would work but we’re heading home with over 50 lbs. of ‘Red’ Salmon. Thanks to Scotty’s easy mannerism, patience, expert teaching, guidance, advice, knowledge of the river, and ability to put us on the fish, this was truly a rewarding fishing experience. We kept him busy too. He was running up and down the rocky river, helping us free snags, patiently instructing and re-instructing us on technique, calmly talking us through landing the fish, and most importantly netting the fish. He always had a big grin on his face when one would break off as he exclaimed, “that was a big Sockeye!” He expertly filleted the fish, recommended a fish processing company to prepare the fish to take home, and took the trophy pictures to share with family and friends. It was a fantastic trip, a memorable experience, and Scotty is a terrific guide. Highly recommend you book him today.
Aug 2022
Captain Scott is amazing!!! He is incredibly patient when teaching fishing techniques. If you are a beginner or an expert, this is a great character for you! Scott is relentless in his pursuit of fish, and focused on a successful trip for his clients. The communication and customer service was on point. We will definitely book again.

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