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Кетцхикан све у једном

Обилазак Кетцхикан Алл Ин Оне пружа и историјске и сликовите делове Кетцхикана, у потпуно испричаном обиласку мора од 2,5 сата. Поделићемо наш град богат историјом (укључујући Цреекстреет и мердевине лососа), истражићемо највећу светску колекцију тотемских стубова у Саксман Нативе Виллаге-у, имаћемо прилику да видимо широк спектар дивљих животиња у ували Херринг (укључујући медведе, фоке и орлове) и види прелеп водопад. Путујемо удобно у луксузним комбијима са 14 путника.
Цити: Ketchikan
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $94.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $94.00
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Коментара (341)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jun 2018
This tour felt like a good friend showing us around and giving us a wonderful history lesson. The bus was comfortable and the tour guide was personable. Really enjoyed it.
Jun 2018
We loved this small group tour - we were 8 people in our van, 5 in our family and 3 other travelers from the same cruise ship. Much more personalized compared to the bus loads of cruise line passengers that chose the shore excursions offered by the ship. Plus the price is significantly less expensive! Great value for the money! We were not able to see any bears but enjoyed the tour nonetheless. Our guide was very knowledgeable and had lots of stories to tell. We also stopped at Saxman Native Village which was a highlight. Thank you for the excellent tour.
Brenda H
Jun 2018
Read the description of the tour and consider the amount of time allowed, and you should come to the conclusion that a lot of stuff is going to be just a "drive by" and that was my experience. This was a morning tour to start at 1030, and go to 1 pm. That would leave some time for others to book another excursion in the afternoon. We started late, (there was another tour scheduled for 8 am and the operators, I think, don't account for any leeway between tours to unload and load passengers) so some things were cut short in order to get back by 1. Don't remember seeing a salmon ladder. The salmon hatchery visit consisted of a gravel dirt parking lot, short walk up a road to view from the side of a creek, about 4 or 5 steel pipes with water spewing out of them into the creek. Herring Cove was another drive by, could have stopped if anyone needed the facilities but no one did. So we never saw any bears or eagles or any other wildlife. The waterfall was a pull out at the side of the road, all of us in the van clambered out and got about a 30-second photo opportunity. Saxman Village with all the totems was actually our last stop and we got to spend a whole 15 minutes there. All in all, a lot of driving and not much "seeing". Our male driver had lived in Ketchikan a long time and had lots of stories of his own personal experiences including some with various women which, distasteful to me, had a misogynistic tenor to them. Driver conduct not withstanding, I wouldn't recommend this tour - very little value for the money spent (driver even made a sarcastic remark at our salmon ladder stop that there "on the other side" you could walk the boardwalk into the rainforest but it costs more.

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