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Кетцхикан све у једном

Обилазак Кетцхикан Алл Ин Оне пружа и историјске и сликовите делове Кетцхикана, у потпуно испричаном обиласку мора од 2,5 сата. Поделићемо наш град богат историјом (укључујући Цреекстреет и мердевине лососа), истражићемо највећу светску колекцију тотемских стубова у Саксман Нативе Виллаге-у, имаћемо прилику да видимо широк спектар дивљих животиња у ували Херринг (укључујући медведе, фоке и орлове) и види прелеп водопад. Путујемо удобно у луксузним комбијима са 14 путника.
Цити: Ketchikan
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $94.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $94.00
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Коментара (341)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
May 2018
Usually if I have a bad experience, I do not write a review...because I KNOW this is the tour guide's livelihood. However, I cannot in good faith be a true Trip Advisor reviewer if I am not honest. Our guide was Mike.. he was WONDERFUL.. he had great stories and a lot of enthusiasm... but the tour company is obviously not organized and overbooks themselves. We were asked to change our plans to an earlier departure due to overbooking on the next time frame...we were okay with that.. however we were the last two people who were picked up and we were crammed into the very back of large passenger van. This is NOT a tour bus... it was very uncomfortable getting in and out and some of the passengers chose not to due to the hassle involved... this is a young persons vehicle. Also the guide had commitments that made him run fast and furious on OUR TIME... also unpleasant. The van has no microphone system and we had to use the heat to keep the windows from fogging too much so with that noise and the inconsiderate guests who chatter to themselves while he is talking just made this an all around unpleasant tour. My opinion is for Mike to find another company to work for...we LOVED him.
John F
May 2018
Resulting from the late start, our tour was hastily done. We did see the salmon ladder, but sped past the salmon processing plant. The drive was very nerve racking as our guide was watching the waters for whales rather than the road, braking hard when he saw something. He kept checking the time as he had another tour to do at 1:00 p.m., with only one passenger, and he had to get back to the ship dock for that passenger. Along the way he discovered that 3 members of our tour had to be back at their ship for boarding by 1:30. That made the tour even more awkward. We did not get to the totem park. Another couple had a second tour booked in the afternoon, and would miss that too if this tour did not end at the scheduled time. Our guide rushed back to the dock amid some cursing and a display of bad temper, telling us that he would reimburse us for the tour because it had not been completed. After letting those passengers off, he decided to take the remainder of the group back to the totem park to complete the tour. Another driver had picked up the single passenger for the 1:00 tour. As we were on our way back to the dock, he reneged on his promise to reimburse us as he said it was not his fault. We did get to see a bit of Ketchikan, but it was not pleasant after what had transpired. From our perspective, this tour is overrated, and not worth the cost. Very poor value for the money, and you don't want a guide who loses it when things don't go according to the plan.
Jody G
May 2018
Mike was awesome! He took us out on a rainy day and it was great! He is so personable and made sure we saw everything we wanted to. He showed us interesting places, gave us time to enjoy them and told great stories. What really made him stand out from other guides is his personality. He truly loves Alaska and is so proud to be a resident. He made us all feel so comfortable. I would recommend this trip to anyone!

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