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Обилазак роњења у Ки Ларго са грицкалицама, пићем и опремом за роњење

Хајде да ронимо на чувеним коралним гребенима Кеи Ларго! Ми смо ПАДИ ронилачки центар са 5 звездица, наш циљ је да сваком од наших купаца покажемо најбоље гребене и олупине које Кеи Ларго може да понуди! Пружамо опуштајуће туре са дисалицом са опремом за роњење, грицкалицама, водом, безалкохолним пићима и кремом за сунчање која је безбедна за гребене на свим нашим путовањима. Посећујемо много различитих локација, укључујући Христа из бездана, Грчке стене, град Вашингтон и гребен лакта да наведемо само неке. Флорида Кеис је трећи највећи систем гребена на свету - а са морским уточиштем Флорида Кеис и државним парком Јохн Пеннекамп Цорал Рееф који су удаљени само 20 минута вожње бродом, нудимо најбоље роњење у Флорида Кеис! Наш ронилачки чамац је простран и удобан и послујемо са максимално 18 путника. Заустављамо се на две различите локације на сваком од наших путовања дајући вам пуна два сата времена за роњење у слободно време! Није неуобичајено видети орла, јастога, јегуље, корњаче, ајкуле и можда још морских створења на нашим путовањима!
Цити: Кеи Ларго
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $68.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $68.00
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Коришћење опреме за роњење
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Коментара (79)
Apr 2022
I can’t write an accurate review cause our trip was cancelled about an hour before! We only went to the keys for one day for this - we don’t live too far away only a couple hours - we couldn’t books anything else last minute. It was raining it was perfectly blue skies they said the water was just choppy out far so that was disappointing. They did offer a mangrove snorkel tours, which you can walk off shore and do for free I wouldn’t take that, or a full refund or reschedule we rescheduled so I’d book this the very first day or so of your trips just in case you need to reschedule!!!! They were friendly and polite about it though!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review regarding the cancelled snorkeling tour. I apologize if we did not provide more information on the phone to further explain why the trip was cancelled and at the time it was cancelled so I hope to address those frustrations now. At Silent World Dive Center we prioritize customer fun and making your vacation the best possible, but above all that safety. Cancelling our boats is never a decision we take lightly as we know many of our guests won't be able to reschedule snorkeling tours for another day - and since we provide full refunds to our customers when a tour is cancelled both our shop and entire crew are unpaid that day. This time of year in the Keys we get a lot of pop up thunderstorms, winds from the north and our forecasted conditions can be unreliable at times, which is what happened on this day. We had a dive and snorkel boat out and the passengers were miserable, the visibility was less than 5ft from your hand in front of your face. We tried alternative sites where the reefs had better visibility, however those reefs were less protected and had 5-7ft seas on this day which left most of those customers preferring to stay on the boat. Those were not the forecasted conditions or our dive boat would not have left the dock - such was what we chose for this snorkel trip. Regarding the mangrove tour if you are staying at a resort in the Keys some locations do have limited mangrove access to snorkel. However for the protected basin mangrove snorkeling where most of the wildlife is found and it is safe from boat traffic in the channels a boat trip is necessary. We are unable to offer mangrove tours on our boat due to our vessel draft, but we called around trying to find alternative options so your trip was not ruined and another company had the mangrove tour option which many of our past customers found fun and full of aquatic life so we continue to offer it on days when trips cancel for the ocean. The prices for the mangrove tour are set directly by those companies, not Silent World. Had we known you were driving from several hours away we would have contacted you the day before just as a precaution knowing the weather has been temperamental, but as this was an online booking we had no such knowledge. I am sorry for that inconvenience and completely understand the frustration of a long drive just to have the trip cancelled. I hope the next time you are in the Keys your family has the opportunity to go snorkeling our beautiful reefs and that you understand our decision to cancel the charter so close to the check-in time was unavoidable and done for the safety and happiness of our customers. Kind Regards - Shelby.
Apr 2022
Well-run, safety conscious tour. We visited two sites and had plenty of time to explore. Highly recommend!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Thanks for your review! Happy to hear you had a nice time! Come see us again soon!
Apr 2022
Great value for the price. We had an excellent snorkel trip with the support of knowledgeable and helpful guides. There was a comfortable and friendly atmosphere with all of the passengers, divers and snorkelers alike. We had plenty of time for good snorkeling among the coral reefs including the Christ of the Abyss statue. We appreciated the crew's focus on safety and respect for nature. All of the gear was in good working order. Highly recommend.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Thank you for your review! So glad you had a nice time out on our boat and happy to hear you enjoyed the atmosphere and the crew!

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