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Ки Вест Долпхин Ватцх и крстарење с дисаљком

Ступите у контакт са једним од најљубазнијих сисара у природи на овом опуштајућем трочасовном крстарењу делфинима из Ки Веста. Пловите уз разигране делфине и уживајте у спектакуларном пејзажу пре него што уживате у ронилачком путовању кроз воде Флорида Кеиса. Истражите подводни свет и откријте разне живописне тропске рибе.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Mon 18 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $75.20
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $75.20
Шта је укључено
3-часовно крстарење делфинима
Локални водич
Бесплатно пиво и вино након роњења
Коришћење опреме за роњење
Неограничено безалкохолна пића
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Предлажемо да понесете: купаћи костим, пешкир, заштиту од сунца<ли>Гости морају да стигну 30 минута пре поласка<ли>ФУРИ ЋЕ ВАМ ОБЕЗБЕЂИТИ ИНСТРУКЦИЈЕ И ОПРЕМУ ЗА РОНИЛО, АЛИ МОРАТЕ ЗНАТИ КАКО ДА ПЛИВАТЕ ДА БИСТЕ УЧЕСТВОВАЛИ У БИЛО КОЈОЈ АВАНТУРИ роњења. <ли>Гости од 17 и млађи морају имати родитеља да присуствују пријављивању да би потписали одрицања <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Град Ки Вест је сматрао да је безбедно да се обиласци бродом одвијају пуним капацитетом.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (682)
Jan 2020
Had the best time with Captain Jim on the dolphin watch (& snorkeling) cruise, saw lots of dolphins, it was thrilling. Captain Jim was very knowledgeable and went out of his way to make sure we had a great experience. You can tell he loves his job! Can't wait to come back next year & do it all over again. Would love to see a dolphin watch only cruise. See you next year!
Jan 2020
We departed on time, after some practiced but lively instructions about how to act on the partly open deck boat. Fury has a range of boats. Ours was a half open floor plan ideal for viewing dolphins, with a ladder leading down to water for snorkeling, which comes in the second half of the trip. Some Fury Catermerans have rear steps leading into the water, which could have made for less crowded egress and ingress. Take it from my experience, it's probably not the best idea to be the first one off the boat into the snorkeling area. True, there is less scaring away of fish life by people at that point, but it's hard to clamber back aboard when you realize you should have taken the option to inflate your buoyancy vest before going into the water. I panicked a bit when realizing that breathing through one's nose is not an option with the face mask, even while above water, and it's hard to blow up a vest while panting. Standing on the bottom is possible but strongly discouraged as your oils will kill anything they touch. Bring wave walkers; they do not provide swim fins, no matter what the brochure shows. We followed a dolphin pod - not a family, since males do not raise dolphin calves - for about 20 minutes. Great leaping! More please. Don't expect Seaworld shows. These are wild dolphins and they're working, not being handed fish from a bucket. A party atmosphere pertained on the meander back, with "adult juice" served on request; you are not allowed to drink and snorkel. The hosts were great and the rentable wetsuits are recommended especially in the winter when water temps are around 68 degrees. The water was fine, it was chilly when I got out again. One other thing: we had originally wanted to do the glass bottom tour, but were prevented by the weather, once, twice, then three times, before we took the alternate tour when our days were running out. Check for windy conditions before booking the glass bottom tour.
Jan 2020
Had a wonderful trip with Capt. Stevie and Allison our watching dolphins. They managed to quickly find us a small pod including a baby dolphin! Capt. Stevie was a wealth of dolphin knowledge as well and answered all of our questions. The only downside was we couldn’t get out to the reef (due to Man-o-wars at the reef) so the snorkeling area we ended up was just not very good (to me anyway). The boat was excellent and the trip included bottomless drinks (both soda and alcohol) and the service was top notch! I would recommend them again in a heartbeat!

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