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ГЛАСАНИ ЗА НАЈБОЉЕ КЕИ ВЕСТС - Преко 5.000 рецензија са 5 звездица<бр>Јет ски турнеја око Ки Веста, без скривених накнада, све је укључено, БЕСПЛАТАН 2. јахач, БЕСПЛАТАН шатл превоз<бр><бр>Молимо вас да се пријавите један сат раније са својим фотографија личне карте и кредитне картице. <бр><бр>Ако сте рођени 1. јануара 1988. или након тога и имате најмање 18 година, морате положити тест сигурности наутичара Флорида.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Wed 20 Nov
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Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $155.95
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке кондиције<ли>можете да изнајмите џет ски са 16 година ако ваш родитељ седи на полеђини џет скита<ли>Обавезно – безбедност наутичара Флориде: Закон Флориде захтева да сви рођени после јануара 1. 1988. да полаже испит за безбедност наутичара за вожњу млазњака. Сваки возач мора да покаже положен тест безбедности наутичара пре поласка. Тестови трају само 15 минута и могу се полагати на мрежи<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Сва храна и пиће ће бити сервирани од стране чланова нашег тима, који ће предузети додатне мере предострожности како би обезбедили безбедну припрему као и сервирање.
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Коментара (666)
Aug 2018
We booked three different tours with Sunset Watersports, the Jetski Tour being the one we enjoyed the most. Our tour guides Jesse and Nico really did a great job helping us out on the Skis explaining what we should do etc. After the safety brief and going over the rules, you start out fairly slow - giving you time to get used to the Skis and how you need to handle them. The tour guides watch the participants really closely to set a certain order - that way the faster Skis can be up front while the slower skis are in the back, which really makes sure that everyone can get what they want out of the tour. Both of our guides checked on the different skis regularly to make sure everyone was safe and having a good time. In between there’s a couple stops where one of the guides will give you more information about the area, animals, plants etc. After a while the group is divided into the very fast skiiers and the slower more chill skiiers, which is very good in my opinion. Even though we had a couple participants in our group that wouldn’t listen and make the guides repeat over and over again what they should do and not do, they were never rude or unfriendly. That’s really the only thing that sucked - some of the other group members would be totally egoistic making it hard for the others to follow the path or being ruthless, not listening etc. however like I mentioned, Jesse and Nico did a great job helping out. Jesse even took individual pictures of each party and sent them to us right after the tour! Really cool :) Also, for 120$/Ski not including tips and tax of course, you really get a lot out of the trip.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Greetings, You are awesome. Booking 3 tours with us!!! Thank you so much for joining my company on those trips and allowing us to make your trip to key west memorable. Thank you for joining us. Hope you can visit us again soon. If you were able to snap any pictures please share them with us on facebook. We love to see our customers having a blast on our trips.
Aug 2018
My husband and I had a great time on this tour last week! All of the guys that worked with the tour were super nice and very informative. I would highly recommend.
Aug 2018
These guys for jet ski are amazing especially Jesse & Jake. I can't swim so was very nervous of the water and scared of falling in the water, but that fear was very quickly overcome. Jake talked me through the whole experience prior, and what the 90 minute tour involved and he also managed to get Jesse to ride with my family only. We went on our own tour with Jesse and his knowledge, gave us the confidence to jet ski explained the faster you go the easier and more fun it is. Overall very professional setup safety is paramount to these guys , plenty of options on key west , but believe me I do my research first and this is by far the best company for jet ski and parasailing on the island Hats of to Jesse & Jake
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you for joining us. Hope you can visit us again soon. If you were able to snap any pictures please share them with us on facebook. We love to see our customers having a blast on our trips.

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