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Ки Вест Сафари еко авантура са роњењем

Истражите Ки Вест на забаван и јединствен начин! Избегните гужву на овој узбудљивој сафари авантури са роњењем и управљајте сопственим глисером кроз 28 миља залеђа Флориде. Уживајте у мирној, сликовитој вожњи док пратите свог локалног водича до националног морског уточишта, где ћете имати прилику да роните и пливате у нетакнутим водама.<бр><бр>НАПОМЕНА: Обавезно – Безбедност наутичара на Флориди: Закон Флориде захтева сви рођени после 1. јануара 1988. да полажу испит за безбедност наутичара да управљају чамцем. Сваки возач мора да покаже положен тест безбедности наутичара пре поласка.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Sat 11 Jan
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Са почетком у $197.12
Sat 11 Jan
Са почетком у $197.12
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Сафари тура од 2,5 сата
7,5% државног пореза на промет Флориде
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Морате да стигнете 1 сат пре времена поласка<ли> Постоје највише 2 одрасле особе по чамцу<ли>Обавезно – Безбедност наутичара на Флориди: Закон Флориде захтева да сви рођени после 1. јануара 1988. полажу испит за безбедност наутичара да би управљали чамцем. Сваки возач мора да покаже положен безбедносни тест за наутичаре пре поласка.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Сва храна и пиће служиће чланови нашег тима, који ће предузети додатне мере предострожности како би обезбедили безбедну припрему као и сервирање.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (136)
Jan 2021
Really a great way to get away from the crowds in Key West and see something truly unique to the Keys. Mangroves, sand bars, fish, crabs, and birds galore. Michael, a lifelong Keys resident, was our tour guide. Really phenomenal job. Boats and safety equipment well maintained. We took our 3 kiddos along and my wife, a nautical novice, drove one boat while I drove another. Her anxiety quickly subsided and she enjoyed her time at the helm. Highly recommended!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
Glad to hear you enjoyed the Eco Tour! Be sure to post any good pics and tag us, hope to see you again soon!
Dec 2020
We booked a boat safari and it was a great experience! You will get to ride your own boat to a small island where you will have time to snorkel if you choose, If not Jim talks about cool facts about Key West. Jim was absolutely a great guide, very friendly made sure no one was left behind and everyone was comfortable riding a speed boat. One thing that kind of hampered our experience was the lady who checked us in... When we first arrived the blond lady was disturbed by the fact that we had almost no boating experience, she said “well some boating experience is required“. I can’t say she was pleasant actually quiet rude the way she approached us. No one mentioned that we needed boating experience anywhere while we were booking. It is a perfect way to turn off a customer who is participating in these activities during a pandemic. Actually we discussed canceling the whole thing because we were worried about not having much experience. Thankfully, after getting instructions from our guide we were completely comfortable driving the boat. If you can drive a car you can drive a speed boat. Listen to instructions given by your guide and follow their lead you will be fine and will have a great time! It was still a 5 star experience thanks to Jim and the other gentleman who was at the dock helping everybody unfortunately I don’t know his name.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
We are thrilled to hear you had fun with us out on the water! Be sure to come back again soon, be sure to post any good pics you might've taken on the tour!
Dec 2020
This was the trip of a lifetime! Something I never knew I needed to do. Drive your own boat at speed, cruise through mangroves, see fish, iguanas, and birds galore! Then stop at a quite sandbar and snorkel through the mangroves to see more fish, coral and so much more. If snorkeling isn’t your thing spend time finding shells, soak up the sun, or play in the surf. Michael was our guide, he was so energetic and knowledgeable. He definitely made the trip so much more than we could ask for. Make sure you ask for him!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
We are thrilled to hear you had fun with us out on the water! Be sure to post any good pics from the tour and tag us, come back again soon!

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