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Кеи Вест СНУБА Екпериенце

Го Беионд Сноркелинг је најближе што можете да дођете до роњења без да сте сертификовани за роњење!<бр><бр>Идите даље од роњења у нове дубине за дуже време где можете лако и безбедно да дишете под водом без тешке, гломазне ронилачке опреме. Откријте невероватне формације корала, јата тропских риба и пливајте поред живописних створења док без напора клизите испод таласа.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Wed 02 Oct
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Са почетком у $145.00
Wed 02 Oct
Са почетком у $145.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Одрицање од медицинске одговорности је обавезно за сваког госта. Примењују се медицинска искључења
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Коментара (400)
Deborah J
May 2022
1st. They said we would begin in shallow water where we could stand and practice using the equipment. Instead they put me in the water well over my head, with a mask that leaked...even though I told the Captain it leaked. His response was for me to just clear it EVERY time it leaked using the technique they showed us during the training session prior to attempting the dive. 2nd. They did not add enough weight to my belt to take me to the bottom. I struggled to try to get down and never reached the bottom. I indicated to our guide a problem with the belt. He added a little more weight but he did not wait to see if it was enough. I again tried to get to the bottom after struggling several minutes I finally got the attention of the guide and indicated an issue with the belt. He didn't seem to get it so I went to the surface to try to actually verbally tell him the problem, which my husband said was obvious because he had watched me struggling to reach the bottom. The entire time my mask continued to leak! When I reached the surface I attempted to explain the problem with not enough weight and the mask. While trying to tell him I swallowed a fair amount of sea water. I guess I was tired from trying to fight my way to the bottom. He gave me his extra mask... which worked because it was of a much better quality then the cheap mask they gave us to use and he FINALLY added enough weight for me to get to the bottom. I was so excited, but as I started down I felt overwhelming nausea. Mind you I NEVER usually vomit. I was determined to not lose my lunch, but the sea water won & I could not stop throwing up. The trip was ruined. I could not continue and all because the guide did not pay attention to the issues I was having. Mind you they only had 5 of us on the boat! 3rd. They did not take us to a real Coral Reef. The excuse was the water was too ruff and we would go to another area where we would still see some coral and other sea life. NOT SO! It was minimal sea life and no real coral. Not at all what was expected. They should have offer a refund. I feel that because the group was small that they tried to get off cheap. Then they shamelessly ask us for a tip of $30 for each of the crew. They even have a link on their website and encourage you to add a tip. If you provide great service you can be assured we will be very generous with tipping. The experience of seeing a beautiful coral reef and the amazing experience of swimming among the schools of colorful fish and other sea life was the one thing I wanted the most out of my trip to Key West. VERY , VERY Disappointed! ...and we still gave them a Tip!
May 2022
The service and experience was great but asking for tips was a little too much. Pictures prices were too huh also.
May 2022
The crew was very professional. Very safety conscious and went over safety several times. Our guide was very aware of where we all were while in the water. We saw many fish and a couple of sharks. My only complaint is that there was no one to help us out of the water onto the boat. Getting in was easy but getting out was difficult. The water was choppy and holding the fins and trying to pull oneself onto the ladder was difficult.

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