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Кеи Вест СНУБА Екпериенце

Го Беионд Сноркелинг је најближе што можете да дођете до роњења без да сте сертификовани за роњење!<бр><бр>Идите даље од роњења у нове дубине за дуже време где можете лако и безбедно да дишете под водом без тешке, гломазне ронилачке опреме. Откријте невероватне формације корала, јата тропских риба и пливајте поред живописних створења док без напора клизите испод таласа.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Mon 30 Sep
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Са почетком у $145.00
Mon 30 Sep
Са почетком у $145.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Одрицање од медицинске одговорности је обавезно за сваког госта. Примењују се медицинска искључења
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Коментара (400)
Mar 2021
The Bad: Due to high winds they didn't take us to the reef. Other tour companies let you know in advance and give you an option to reschedule/refund. We only got to know that we were not on the reef AFTER we went to a different non-reef location. one group dives at a time and others can snorkel while they are awaiting their turn. The snorkel location was so bad that no-one saw a single fish. All we saw was sea grass through murky water Most of the the SNUBA dive was through sea grass with visibility so bad that it was hard to follow the instructor. The photographer made good attempts to get as many pictures and videos. However, the visibility sucked so we ended up not buying any pictures. Do not pay for the picture package in advance. See your photos after the dive and then decide if you want to pay for them. We travelled through murky waters to get to a dead coral site which did look beautiful in its own way but no marine life around it. We spent like 5 minutes at this location and following happened.. THE UGLY: It seemed like no body was monitoring air consumption. My husband and I were sharing a tank which was floating above the surface of the water. At one point in time I felt that there is no air coming in through the regulator. The instructor was not in sight (or may be he was around but visibility was bad) I immediately went above the surface and I saw my husband who also felt that he ran out of air and had come to the surface. The other two people (strangers to us but in the same dive group as us) also were at the surface because they felt that something was wrong. The instructor was the last one to come up to the surface. He checked the air and said that he has never seen anyone run out of air that fast and casually joked that "we breathed ourselves to death" I feel that we shouldn't be the ones discovering that we have run out of air and rushing ourselves to safety. There should be someone else at the surface monitoring this. I am glad that we were able to get back to the surface. But I am thinking what happens if it was a kid who ran out of air or someone who panicked and couldn't get to the surface.. I find this to be a CRITICAL SAFETY CONCERN . Please review and update your safety protocol
Kara C
Mar 2021
My husband and I hit up Key West for our honeymoon and it was wonderful. We had Madison as our a group lead and she was wonderful. She was very kind and thorough in explaining all the steps of SNUBA. She also was great in pointing out the major sites and made recommendations for food on the boat ride back to the dock. I would recommend this experience. I will say that the recommended time of year to go is in June or July due the best visibility. We went in March and was still able to see quite a bit of fish and even some dolphins on the way to our SNUBA spot!
Mar 2021
Despite less than ideal weather, this experience was a blast. CJ was a fantastic guide throughout this experience, and made us very comfortable even though this was our first time. Note that moderate swimming skills obviously improve this experience, but anyone can enjoy.

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