We didn’t even get on the boat. While standing in line to check in with our 2 kids we stood behind more than a dozen men, all in the same party, some of which were already belligerent which turned the check in process into a circus because they were oblivious to everyone else waiting behind them. After deciding we didn’t want to spend 2 hours on a boat full of drunk idiots we asked if we could get a partial refund. Nope. We did however eat at Waterfront Brewery, which I highly recommend, and watched the boarding of entirely too many people onto that small boat. People were standing shoulder to shoulder, most of which looked miserable except for that group of Hawaiian shirt wearing lads. They were enjoying that open bar. I get the 24 hour cancellation policy but when you say you could get the captain to talk to them before they get on after you witness their behavior that was only going to get worse with the more alcohol they consumed, a little understanding would have gone a long way. Lesson learned. Do something else “kid friendly” with your kids.