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Дегустациони обилазак Ки Веста са Сецрет Фоод Тоурс

Упијајте шарм потпуно обновљених, историјски значајних викторијанских кућа у стилу сачмарица и шкољки на улицама са дрворедима. Атмосфера овог подручја олакшава вам да се изгубите у магији Ки Веста, уроните у атмосферу Републике Конч. Нека вас наш водич забави смешним и занимљивим анегдотама о овом прелепом округу.<бр><бр>ВАЖНА НАПОМЕНА: Молимо вас да нас обавестите да ли постоји било какво ограничење у исхрани које треба да узмемо у обзир.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $96.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $96.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>*Имајте на уму: итинерар и мени су подложни променама у зависности од доступности локација, временских прилика, и друге околности.<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање наметнуто током читавог искуства
Шта да очекујете
Историјски државни парк Форт Зацхари Таилор
Познатији једноставно као Форт Тејлор (или Форт Зацх локалним становницима) је државни парк на Флориди и национална историјска знаменитост усредсређена на тврђаву из доба грађанског рата која се налази у близини јужног врха Ки Веста на Флориди.
Дом и музеј Ернеста Хемингвеја
Резиденција аутора Ернеста Хемингвеја у Ки Весту, Флорида, Сједињене Америчке Државе.
Историјска морска лука Ки Вест
Суседство у граду Ки Вест, Флорида у округу Монро, Сједињене Америчке Државе.
Маллори Скуаре
Трг који се налази у граду Ки Вест на Флориди, САД Трг на обали са ресторанима и продавницама, познат по ноћним фестивалима за гледање заласка сунца.
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Коментара (63)
Mar 2019
We thoroughly enjoyed our tour with Sharry, and saw something other than the Duval Street Bar scene in Key West. She’s such a knowledgeable resident of the city and shared a lot of local history as we walked our route, pointing out interesting points of interest along the way. We had 5 selections of different food and all were delicious. I recommend the upgrade to include alcohol, especially if you get the Ginger Mimosa we had at our last stop at Moondog Cafe! All in all, a great way to spend an afternoon!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Thank you so much for your great review and for rating us as an excellent food tour experience. We are so happy having you on the tour as our beloved customers. You can join us again next time, please visit us again here in Secret Food Tours. You may try another food tour experience and we are now in over 30 destinations worldwide. Have a good day to you!
Mar 2019
Sharry was a knowledgeable guide and I appreciated her energy. She gave a good overview of the area. The tour company still needs to work on the locations for the tour. The first two places were disappointing on a food tour in Key West. Not expecting pizza in Key West and there are far more authentic things to include at a Cuban restaurant than grilled corn. The food was not bad, but not what someone is paying for on a food tour in Key West. The third and last places though were worth the trip; The shrimp sandwich at DJ’s and the mahi-mahi taco and key lime pie at Moondog were all fabulous. A local fish though would have been better for Key West (a coastal town). Maybe pink shrimp, spiny lobster, one of the many kinds of grouper, or conch.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Hi Jessi, thank you for joining our food tour and for your honest review. Rest assure that we will look on to it as we want the best for our client. We hope that you can also join our other food tours in the future. We are now over 30 cities worlds wide. Best regards
Mar 2019
I highly recommend this food and history tour. Our tour guide was Sharry. She was amazing. She was very friendly, fun, outgoing, and clearly enjoys her job. She was also highly knowledgeable of the Keys, history, culture, nature, and wonderful food. The selection of restaurants off the beaten path and where the locals eat was exactly what I was looking for. Her food selections were diverse in the Keys’ culinary specialities and delicious. I was in the Keys for a week and ate at many restaurants in the tourist sections that could not compare to the wonderfully delicious foods from the local restaurants she took us to. I also learned so much about the Key’s history and culture from her. She provided us with interesting information about the Florida Keys, people, trees, plants, buildings, folklore, and more. I now know why so many residents paint their front porch ceilings blue but do not want to spoil that for those who take this tour. And who knew that the carpentry designs on the front porches of the homes were messages to those who pass by. I highly recommend this tour with Sharry.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Oh wow, thank you so much for taking your time to write us such a detailed and amazing review, Awesie! We truly appreciate your kind words for our tour and utmost recommendation for our fantastic guide, Sharry. We're extremely happy that you had a blast with her, she is indeed one of our best guide. It's such an honour to have you in our food tour and we can't wait to spend more tours with you! Please let us know when you are coming back so we could give you a discount, see you again soon in our other Secret Food Tours - now in over 30 cities world-wide. :)

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