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Кона Сноркелинг - Победите гомилу до залива Кеалакекуа

Прескочите таласе на узбудљивом обиласку Зодијака Великог острва до залива Кеалакекуа, места споменика Капетану Куку и најбољег морског уточишта на Хавајима. Роните с дисаљком са дугом тропских риба међу прелепим коралним вртовима у чистим, кристалним водама залива. Уживајте у дивној ужини за пикник пре него што поново кренете. Наши сплавови Зодиац нам омогућавају да загрлимо обалу и уђемо у подручја где други чамци не могу. Придружите нам се да истражите огромне морске пећине, цеви од лаве и неравну лепоту обале.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $151.33
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Коментара (125)
Jun 2022
We went on the 5 hour avoid the crowds. That was a joke, we were there 30 minutes without the big boat there. Also, there were kayaks all over the place that went right over you while you were snorkeling. I would suggest you go to 2 step beach that you can see from where we went and go snorkeling. Less crowds and you see the same amount of fish for free. The zodiac boat does not take you any where else that no one else can go. The extra trip was going to see relics of possible caves or arches. Not as advertised or the pictures they show. We just had a longer trip because the harbor was farther away from the rest.An extra 2 hours) Skipper Rick & First Mate Will were nice guys, however, neither got in the water to show us around. The pointed were we might see some tiger sharks and that was it. They were supposed to be were the big boat was however, I think the big boat destroys the area, because the water was cloudy and dirty, no fish, and the coral and plant life was none extinct. .Oh yeah, the food was good. Save money and go to the area or 2 step beach which is free.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
We are sorry that you felt like the bay was crowded during you time there and not as advertised. Kealakekua bay can have 14 companies plus kayaks in the bay during the 8-12pm timing, where are the number is drastically decreased between 11-1, not always zero but far less than the 14 other companies. For that is in part to the 8-12 tour timing, the passengers are taken from the water at 11 and transported back to their harbors by 12pm. Then those same companies start their next tour at 12:45 have to load the passengers and drive to the bay which gets them to the bay after 1pm. 2step is actually located another 3 miles down the coastline, what you can see from Captain cook monument side of Kealakekua Bay is just the south side of Kealakekua bay, known as Manini or Keei. Yes, 2-step is a great snorkel spot and is accessible by car, Kealakekua bay Captain Cook monument area is not and has a two and a half mile hike down with no restrooms and is far less sustainable tourism as you are walking over the coral to enter the water. All of our tours leave from the same harbor and take 45 minutes to reach the bay, accounts for time to snorkel and then a 1:15 minute return journey hugging the coastline looking at sea caves, lava tubes, and learning about Hawaiian history. I’m really not sure where the extra two hours commute came from but you did get two and a half hours in the water to snorkel on this excursion compared to the one and a half hour on our 4 hour, travel time is the same. Our crew members are acting lifeguards for all passengers and have a way better advantage point from the boat and not the water to watch and assist anyone in need. Hopefully no tiger sharks but maybe the occasional baby reef shark will be sleeping in the bay. Mahalo, CZ
Jun 2022
Beautiful clear water & colorful fish. We (husband, 2 sons & daughter-in-law) beat the crowds that come with larger tour boats. Loud and boisterous groups did arrive while we were snorkeling. So glad we had private & quiet time beforehand. The boat rides to and from the bay were enjoyable as we drove along the gorgeous coastline of the Big Island. So thankful to our guide for ensuring we had a great time. Would love to do it again should we visit again.
Rita P
Jun 2022
A friend of mine who has traveled to the Big Island several times recommended Captain Zodiac to us. We choose the “beat the crowd tour.” Amanda greeted us in the office and patiently answered our questions. We also received the warmest greeting from puppy Rosco which was a great surprise. Our captain JC and first mate, Seth, were fantastic! They spotted a pod of pilot whales for us and because of the eco friendly nature of the tour, we were able to get very close without disturbing the whales. The snorkeling itself was amazing and as a family of first time snorkelers, we felt very comfortable the whole time. The tour of the sea caves was another great bonus. We would highly recommend Captain Zodiac and if ever return to the big island, we will certainly be doing another tour with Captain Zodiac!

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