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Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
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Коментара (26)
Feb 2019
BiteMe was recommended by the Timeshare Organization we were staying with, giving us a discount if we sat thru a Timeshare presentation, which we did. 6 of us paid to ride around on the boat for 4 hours without a nibble, or even seeing anything but birds on the water. Trolled too fast and didn't vary the speed or depth of lures or anything for our benefit. Captain (BiteMe6) mumbled some instructions then never came down from the bridge. His assistant was pleasant enough, but was that what we came for? At the end, we were told it was not good fishing in Jan. Kickback to the Timeshare agent and puttin' in the time was all it was about. We should have gone with someone else with better reviews and just paid the extra few bucks we saved, if you call sitting thru a timeshare presentation for 90 mins a savings! signed: Stung and Skunked x 6.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Aloha, Sorry to hear you did not catch on your charter. Please remember catching is a 50/50 chance. The captain is not required to be on the deck with the guest, because his job is to drive the boat. How many knots would you suggest we troll at?....How often do you troll for pelagic fish? With all due respect I feel, since we do this daily, have been in business for 20 years and have 8 boats in our fleet; we have a good idea of what we are doing. Thanks for the review and please remember whenever going deep sea fishing..... Its a 50/50 chance of catching. That's why they call it fishing. =) Mahalo, Bite Me Sportfishing Charter Team.
Aug 2018
Last month my family of 5 booked a half day (morning) charter and loved it. The weather was great. The boat was clean and well kept. The crew was great. The crew was very child friendly and taught our 3 children (ages 7, 13 and 15) how to fish for the big ones. We only hooked two marlin and both got away, but no matter. It was a great, relaxing morning out on the ocean and we had the excitement of hooking a couple of big ones and fighting with them for a bit. I would recommend this charter for novices and families with children. We would book with them again.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Aloha, Thank you for your review, and we are happy you had a memorable time on your charter. Next time you venture back to the Big Island please come visit us. We hope you had a good vacation on the Big Island and safe travels home. Mahalo, Bite Me Sportfishing Charter Team.
Aug 2018
Went out on a four hour charter with these jokers. Worst deep sea fishing I have ever done. They "went trawling" at full throttle the entire four hours. It would have had to been a fast, very hungry fish to have caught up with us. Saw lots of fish and dolphin jumping, but not even a nibble on our five lines. Guess we were suppose to snag one. Should have used a net instead. Extremely disappointing for the six of us.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Aloha, When fishing it is always a 50/50 chance of catching. Trawling for pelagic fish is a proven way of catching here on the Kona cost. Guests are encouraged to ask questions and try to understand the technique involved. All captains trawl at the speed required to catch a fish, please keep in mind the captains want to catch a fish just as bad as you do. Maybe next time you will have better luck. We like to remember a saying...... “The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.” – John Buchan We hope you enjoyed the Big Island and had safe travels home. Mahalo, Bite Me Sportfishing Charter Team.

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