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Једина пешачка тура у Кони! Доживите најбоље ресторане у Кони, од којих су неки представљени у емисији Динерс, Дриве-инс и Дивес. Кона је рај за гурмане, уроните у сцену хране Кона, са најмање 7 заустављања у објектима на прелепом Али'и Дриве-у. Свако место ће служити укусне посластице које ће одушевити ваша чула. Фокус је на локалним, свежим састојцима, са нагласком на свежу рибу по којој је Кона позната. Сваки ресторан ће служити своје најбоље и најпопуларније артикле. Уживајте у комбинацији пића са храном, укључујући хавајске коктеле, вино и пиво. Ово је локално искуство које ће вам дати одличне идеје за ресторане које можете посетити током вашег боравка у Кони. Поред дегустације фантастичне хране и пића, чућете и приче о ресторанима које посећујете, као и о ресторанској сцени Кона. Ваши стручни водичи ће вас информисати и забавити причама о фасцинантној историји Коне и нашим познатим краљевима и краљицама из прошлости.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $119.00
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Коментара (95)
May 2022
Kona Walking Food Tour Overall it was a good tour, a bit of history, some good samples, one big complaint was Tasty Kona stop. In the past the food tours included some local insight as to shops or vendors to avoid however on this one we were lead to one such vendor: TASTY KONA. Tasty Kona had a mediocre sampling and as we found out later, overpriced items for sale (even with their special 10% discount for being on the tour). We purchased a bag of Hamakua Chili Pepper Macadamia 10oz at a $36.00 price. We saw the same item later in the day for $19.99 and the real shocker was they could be ordered online from HAMAKUA NUT for $11.95 (+$9.20 for shipping). We also purchased 2 chocolate bars (Madre) at a cost of $15.00 again same item later for $11.00 online the same bars are $9.00. SO TASTY KONA SHOP is NOT a good place to visit. OK back to the tour, our tour guide was interesting and entertaining… Our first stop THE FISH HOPPER was a good stop, although I am not a fan of Clam Chowder this was very good thick and rich and I would recommend this restaurant. Next TASTY KONA was a rip-off see above. The Kona Inn did have incredible views the Mai Tai were good but nothing spectacular. Staff treated us as a bother PA’AKAI POKE DELI was a good stop, this is just the type of location I was expecting. A little off the beaten path with good local food freshly prepared, I would recommend. PAPA KONA’S was also interesting and tasty. The Ube-be cocktail was refreshing however not to everyone’s taste. The Avocado Fries were surprisingly tasty. I would recommend both… FOSTER’S KITCHEN was the best stop the staff there was genuinely happy to see us and the fish was scrumptious, chips cooked to perfection and the beer good (not a beer fan). I would highly recommend this venue. Again I would recommend this tour except for TASTY KONA. I would say it is a bit overpriced and they were lax with the number which was a bit upsetting since we had attempted to add ONE of our group and found out when we arrived that they had actually added a couple at the last minute.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thank you so much for taking the time to write a review, and for joining us on the Kona Food Tour! We are sorry that you did not enjoy the stop at Tasty Kona. We are looking into why the samples were too small. We have no control over what they charge for their goods, we just love their store and the fact that they have all locally made treats! ~Kama
May 2022
The tour guide was really nice and funny. I did not care for all the drinks. I was hoping for more of traditional hawaiian food. What food there was to taste was really good. I wish it was more food. I did like learning the history. That was pretty amazing!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We take our guests' comments to heart, so thank you for sharing! ~Kama
Reynaldo O
May 2022
The food was incredible, I came in with no expectations, only that I would try everything. Whenever I’m visiting some where new I always want to eat what locals eat. Food tours like this are perfect for that. Our tour had the best clam chowder I’ve ever had and the best Fish and Chips I’ve ever had. Kameka our tour guide was a sweetheart, very charismatic, and I appreciated her enthusiasm for all the goodies we were having that day.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
We are so glad you enjoyed the food on our tour! We think our restaurants do a pretty great job! ~Kama

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